1. Don’t film vertically.
1. Don’t film vertically.
Better Arizona than Michigan.
They’re meant to look like a jerrycan.
Yep. And it almost guarantees that you will replace that windshield with an OEM one if it breaks.
I rarely use all caps but...
That physically hurt to read.
Yeah, but the WHOLE POINT of a supra is to modify it.
I fucking love Tesla.
My favorite part of the segment was the 2CV racing. We’ve seen the driving around a farm with eggs bit half a dozen times on other shows, like wheeler dealers, but man, I had NO IDEA these existed and now I want to see more.
I’ve felt it’s been better than the grand tour since they FIRED THE IDIOT THAT TALKS LIKE THIS FOR EVERY SINGLE THING HE SAYS!!!!!!
I’ll give you the restrictor plate tracks are usually great racing, as can be the road courses. But I still stand by the *best* being the short tracks.
The best racing was never at 200 MPH.
Dear mister Easter Bunny:
These are the eggs you can leave in my yard this year.
We don’t know if she could have avoided it or not.
The point is, she was on her damn phone giggling at some text message instead of doing the one thing she was there to do. Watch the road.
If I was put behind the wheel of an experimental autonomous car, and told “YOU ARE THE BACKUP” I wouldn’t be on my damn cellphone reading a text.
Do you want a-la-cart or a package deal?
*deemed by the police.
Well, to be fair, that’s what the police chief who had watched the video said happened. And the damage was on the passenger side.