
The best closer in mlb.

If a criminal defense attorney can improve his client's position by saying these things (and assuming there's no gag order in place), he has an ethical obligation to be a zealous advocate for his client and trash the victim.

because, according to the stories, he was dead, then came back to life. That is a zombie in my book and zombies are fucking terrifying.

who gives a shit about Canada?

wow- such profound insight. You must be really smart.

that sounds like it's coming from someone who's never cashed a winning ticket.

Someone call Darnell Dockett... The chick on the right needs that new Apple product- the IOpener! The middle one is a big fan.

You can take a dago out of the boot, but you can't... ah, fuck it

Are cucumbers better as pickles?

Want to take bets on whether Dad is more proud of his sons in prison than his "fairy" football playing son???

The Last Stand kicked ass.
You have proven yourself to be incredibly ignorant.

Yeah, I'm completely joking, but you have no ideas how many times I've wanted to blast every "outdoor" cat, stray or otherwise. One took a shit on my front porch. And they kill birds. Those fuckers have it coming.

Unless you work for the DEA, you're a horrible person. Think on this for a moment:

Its absolutely wrong when $50 BILLION dollars are spent to get the place up to snuff. Shithole villages in the Congo get a pass.
Sochi does not.

Duh. The neighbor's cats are in the neighbor's house. The feral cats are outside in my bushes.

p.s. I'm just messing with you.

So you don't like them cause they're moral and will go to heaven while you burn for eternity?

No! You have to leave the corpses living around as a warning to the other dogs to behave.

What's wrong with chik fil a?? Its delicious!!

Exactly. The players getting the raw deal need to be looking at their representation. Vernon should also ask why does the NFL test for marijuana when the NBA and MLB do not.