
I have frequently seen the Dune movie being referred to as a potential “tent pole” i.e. the beginning of a long series of movies. I’m a huge Dune fan, have read all the books (gritted my teeth through the Brian H ones) and love them.
However does anyone see a movie being made about any of the books beyond the original

My guess, Trent Crimm plans to write a book about AFC Richmond, centered around Ted. This keeps him around regularly with the excuse that he is doing interviews and background work

agree, as a reader of the graphic novel, I thought we were headed for a gruesome amateur mastectomy ceremony there. I even thought I was seeing them preferentially cleaning off her right breast in preparation. I guess that aspect won’t be in the TV series

that explains the coming in season 6 scenes which didn’t show him a single time

Excellent Galaxy Quest reference!

As a doctor, every time I hear “6 week ban” it drives me f’ing crazy.


I generally agree. I think the 60's-70's were an especially fraught time for this. Society had somewhat loosened up attitudes to casual sex and it was not nearly the taboo it previously was. However that was NOT accompanied with enough improvement in the conditions of women. They continued to be slut shamed implicitly

wouldn’t limit it to music. Probably all of pop culture. Probably identical stuff going on with Hollywood stars (and given that it continued to virtually the present day, that is certain).

I don’t think that’s remotely possible.

agree, just commented similarly

Please be clear, I’m excusing NONE of this behavior. But I think if there was no statute of limitations and video recordings in the 60's, probably 70%+ of all the classic rocks stars could be found guilty of sexual assault and/or statutory rape. There is really no dissenting voices when it comes to the testimony of

“We get Santa Claus!”

Not to mention that every additional test has some, albeit small, risk. If the risk of disease is real, the risk is well worth taking. But, making up numbers, if the risk of a severe infection from biopsy is 1 in a 1000, but the risk of breast cancer with a positive test is 1 in 100,000, then you have cause 100 severe

zero insurance companies on the USPSTF. They are not represented at all. I have never seen an over 40 year old mammogram rejected by insurance. That just doesn’t happen

agree 100%. By the logic that 30 yo occasionally get terrible breast cancer, that would mean screening would start at 30??? If we did that, we would have 1000's of false positives for every “real” finding. And by that logic, if very very rare cases of breast cancer are going to drive screening, then men should get

It has been well established this show has no memory for the past and continuity doesn’t really matter, but just 30 minutes earlier it was discussed why they couldn’t just leave the painting in an alley (Frank’s fingerprints).

That is tremendously cringe worthy.

The idea of Lip being a genius was dropped about 3 seasons ago. Not a mention of anything related to it in at least 3-4 years

obviously this is terrible, with the whole, totally being a terrible person thing. However, leaving that aside, I think this would be fascinating. First off, she clearly has a very clear history as a social liberal. Is she going to go full bear antichoice? That is the only acceptable option in a GOP primary. She’ll