Doctor Leo Spaceman

NBC only cancels things people like in hopes of using all of that rage and despair as an alternative fuel source. Its a technology they bought from FOX.


That's exactly what all the FBI investigators said.

At least it wasn't the chicken teraki.

You know I was investigated once by the FBI for my involvement with the X-files. All I can say is that taking experimental North Korean anti cancer medication does not work, especially if you don't not combine it with half a bottle of Jack Daniels. And that you most certainly do not spontaneously combust afterwards

Doctors don't play the odds. Doctors gamble with peoples lives every single day. They also happen to gamble a lot of their earnings on Japanese pachinko machines. And gamble patients lives whilst preforming open heart surgeries atop Japanese pachinko machines. What I'm trying to say is do you have any money I can


If by 'Lobster claws' you mean, 'Indonesian intern learning the ways of the English language by transcribing what I dictate less he is whipped thirty seven times for a mistake' then yes, Lobster claws.

Well you know what they say, you eat what you sexually molest!

You know back in the day a woman would simply be burned at the stake for preforming such a social media faux pas. Different time the seventies.

I'm still rather torn up over the fact that Netflix passed on my
telenovelas “Pasionesde un falso médico tratando tratando de hacerlo como un médico deverdad : ¿Cómo llegó eso ahí ?”

If anyone needs a prescription to help them forget just let my receptionist know. Her names…uh, um… I wanna say…Rohypnollea?

I don't get how all of you can dislike Wayward Pines, its the best documentary of Idaho I've ever seen.

I still think there's hope for this show, after all as a medical practitioner I know first hand that its really really really super hard to tell when someone is dead! For instance did you know that its posible for a dead person to sound like there screaming, "Oh no, oh please god no, stop, oh please stop!" Hahahaha,