
A lot of people pussyfoot around this subject, turning it into a tit-for-tat argument before long. The truth is that neither side has to be a dick about it. People may think I’m a boob for my opinion, but fan-service is a personal issue for every fan. I don’t want to be too anal about the subject, but there is no harm

More like Slaytanists!!!!


This one is the best. Apparently no height limit to bases!

I guess that also explains why Drake and Steph are about half as freaked out as Chappelle.

Got the game last night and played for about 3 hours. A few things right off the bat (PS4 version), it’s super pretty, exploring/crafting is deep enough to be interesting but simple enough to not be a total chore. Getting the ship into orbit for the first time is a really satisfying feeling. My son and I flew to a few

You haven’t been paying much attention then. People have been binge watching & raving about it since it came out at midnight on the 15th.

The controller is....I dunno, kinda okay...I guess.

That console, though, Jesus Christ....that’s got to be the single ugliest special edition console I have ever seen.


It’s so awesome to see a developer so connected to the community, even though they don’t publicly speak about it. I can’t wait to see the next discovery.

Planets are tiny compared to NMS.

Well, the labor participation rate in the U.S. has been hovering around 62% for a while, so this means that Sanders donors are more likely than the average American citizen (16 years or older) to be in the workforce. Which makes sense, since they have money to donate. I don’t know if we can really draw many broad

Speaking on diversity, that Lady Dynamite show is fucking fantastic. I can’t think of many shows that touch on a characters with Mental Illnesses with such a humorous, positive take.

The Spartan Armor is just a tweaked Doom Space Marine suit... ... ...

Still already looks 10 times better than infinite warfare (which is very appropriately named seeing CoD never stops coming).

“I’m not a woman, I’m not a man I am something that you’ll never understand”

of course. I totally agree.

Haters gonna hate. I think people expect FAR too much in some of the old IPs coming back. Yeah, I wish movement speed was quicker( coming from someone who played the beta on console) but would you *really* want to go to more of a quake style where weapons were found on a map that only people who memorized said