
Yep. Me too.

Taps for tio but cho gotta love lula

Crash honestly got me into modern games (I played a lot of Zork) and while it may not have aged well, it still is HUGELY important to me.

I suppose I feel as though words can easily lose meaning, intention and context in our current epoch, and perhaps more dangerously, oft belied, the agenda of our words becomes out of our control, adulterated. I’m not sure if a fear of words is better than loose cannon verbosity but I never assumed your intention to be

I guess because it’s still an issue, Im worried about how it’s talked about in any form.

it seems like the word choice is intentionally charged. Though granted, I am pro-abortion.

We need a non-gendered word to describe prostituting yourself for money that rings more true than ‘sell out’

exactly. It’s naive of her to think men won’t be distracted, because they sexualize everything, no matter what he/she is wearing. It should be on them(or anyone) to not act on their feelings if they are in an inappropriate setting (i.e. a classroom)

yeah I kind of figured. I respect the people who still do the make-up and gear themselves.

I’m curious about these professional cosplayers. Do they make their props or edit anything? If they don’t, I feel like they’re just models.

they exist because of McGovern, who won all the primaries and got creamed by Nixon. They’re design to be a fail-safe against populist candidates who they think can’t win a general. It’s stupid, everything is stupid.

my friend used to cosplay as Elmo in Times Square! I haven’t seen him in a while though :/

It’s not that uncommon, especially then. Early coders (people were known as computers) were often women. A lot of this had to do with sexism because computer programming was thought of as busy work, akin to knitting.

this is also connected with having men have a larger role in child-rearing which will help to even out a lot of different inequities.

also tricky with a name that sounds like a bunch of names, like Sean, John, Don, Juan, Ron. Called out people only hear the vowels so 5 people, many with the same common name, try to take my latte

Politics is the just the necessary exercise of self immolation and schadenfreude.

I hate their perfect lives!

she was never poor enough to use them