
When I’m speaking about game design in this case, I’m not talking about aesthetics. While limiting aesthetics can help in game design to allow the player to focus attention, limiting the actual mechanics and level design play a larger role.

There is definitely something to be said for that type linear game design that involves non-linear fighting elements. It allows the designer to time and create a pace for the gamer that they are frankly unable to do in open world games

exactly, every element adds to the exponential factoring involved.

I think it’s possible to make something great at scale, but most would buckle under the pressure.

Can you use it without setting up the trackers? I don’t know the full set-up but anything that isn’t just plug and play becomes an issue for average consumers. That being said, both the vive and the oculus need high end PCs that are usually built by their owners, so this may not be an issue for most of that market.

they haven’t talked about how many pre-orders (as far as I know) and companies intentionally under-stock for good press. I’m not saying it won’t be successful, but I think it’s possible user-base is fairly limited. The big question is whether people go with Vive or oculus. My guess is vive considering its connection

Yeah those are all valid points. I think the cross-platform titles will be more prevalent between Oculus and PSVR due to the sitting nature. It will be curious to see how many people buy the vive considering the price and the need for a whole room set up.

I think it exists, but it will be a much smaller market until Oculus can run on things like Apple computers and cheaper PCs. This isn’t to knock your purchase, it seems like it will be a good experience and supported by the fact there are multiple platforms, but I think the vast majority of the market will go to Sony

but statistically people buy way more hamburgers than steaks, so it still holds

they’re already selling it at a loss. Think of it like buying a TV

that’s my background

They are taking the Tesla approach, but playstation is taking the apple approach. Have a brand people know, might not be the most high end but it’s good and easy to use. There are already almost 40 million PS4's in the wild, and the system is really, really easy to set up with VR.

yeah but ultimately I think there is going to be a mass market VR device and one for high end enthusiasts. I think oculus and vive will split the high end market (but ultimately I think vive will win out with better hardware) and PSVR will be the mass marketed VR device

it’s not the eye anymore. It’s just the PS camera but your statement holds.

right? My friends who work in the game reviewing industry all think PSVR is going to be the most proliferated of this generation even though they say Vive is the most capable (but you need a big empty room and a high end PC and a lot of money)

I think the point is if you want high end you’ll go with Vive, if you want accessible (you’ll go with psvr)

Price matters. I think this will be huge.
