
at least we got a photoshop of the "wizzard" comic replacing the dungeon master with trump out of this

alright, tron legacy and mork & mindy; we're 2 for 2 on good ideas.

read a report that the story even pre-dated the details 4chan used to say they fabricated it. didn't do too much reading into because I don't really care about 4chan and the original story is likely a fake anyway.
the worrying thing is that, as you say, the left grappling onto fake news, after being so critical of the

Ive been excited for the avclub review on this since I first saw the trailer but this was fairly tame. mid 20s playing teens is pretty standard Hollywood, not sure why they focused on that so much. maybe they didn't want to punch down too much, because this is a pretty easy target

Good review. Also, trailers for this movie were the final nail in the coffin of my like for the black keys, even though they likely had no say in the matter

what really sucks is buying multiple copies of the same game on VC because Nintendo systems

There is an elderly man who has put thousands of hours into Titan's Quest. I think people discovered him by just looking at Steam stats. He did an AMA some where and basically said he just enjoys the game a lot. I think he even said that he has never actually beat the game because he enjoys trying lots of different

No… just, no. Shower beer seems like one of those wacky reddit things people endlessly go on about because it makes them seem so wacky but normal and cool

To be fair, I think she did the morally right thing by taking a third less pay to make this… "film"

Almost finished with the Struggle for Seapower, which is about naval warfare during the American Revolution. I've learned a lot from this book- never realized how much fighting occurred between the French, Spanish, Dutch, and British navies around the world as a part of this conflict. Its also dispelled my movie/video

Dynamic warm up before, cool down stretches after. The yoga suggestion from Septon is a great one as well.

Chicago, it's been a blast, thanks for being a great audience and I hope you'll have me back anytime - anytime

yea, I probably would have rather married Meredith too

spooky music is cool imo

it will be like post-GWB. suddenly you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who voted for him and his entire era will hardly ever be mentioned. more important will be the search to find someone even more right wing, because its those darn fake conservatives who are really messing it up. maybe if those freedom caucus

so many thoughts. great thoughts. amazing thoughts. I'm a lot smarter than the other thoughts, trust me. its going to be so beautiful. I love the thoughts, theyre a wonderful people

Cash Rules Everything Around Me

a little tight and something of an eyesore, but still good looking

but they won't be disappointed. they'll be mad, they'll be angry. because it wouldn't be his fault; it would be the media lies and the "PC" culture that did him in. some sort of conspiracy. anything else, just not his fault. and then someone new will appear and that guy will be the savior, the one that's going to

I wanted to mock my "friends" who were mad about it by asking them if they needed a safe space after being hurt by a celebrity's words but I figured the irony would be lost on them and its just never worth it to engage like that over facebook