
Actually, F1 uses commercial gasoline compounds with the team and driver controlling the mixture depending on racing strategy. Indy uses alcohol.

I’d like to be into the show but all its really showing kids is how proficient women are at telling soul crushing lies and astoundingly deep deception.

I can attest to that footwell module bit.


Nothing to see here. Just another dumbfuck who escaped being properly bullied while coming of age.

Seems dirt slow for a car that small with those numbers.

You good Sir, do not own a gaming PC. I thumb my nose to you, plebian.

I’ve always maintained that Canadians are the dregs of humanity. They’ve been running the best nice guy scam next to puppies.

If they planned on this type of game with DLC for years to come, they should have concentrated more on multiplayer.

According to Dr. Peterson you guys are way past shithole my man.

“Small cars are nothing but one ton of shame.”

Well analyzed.

Everyone making excuses for this girl needs to get some professional help. Even if you’re making some horrible joke in her defense it may underline some serious issues you need to talk out.

You just might be clinically insane. Have you considered talking to a professional?

Liberal found.

Apache is fine. It’s simply the actual name of a tribe.

Maybe I’m the oddball here, but I’ve never once thought of Aston Martin in the same league as McLaren.

Why is this news? And why don’t you guys headline Vermintide 2 more? Have you even reviewed it? That game is FUEGO.

I’m not seeing where he said “Teens”. I think you need to change your headline Mr. Ballaban.

To be fair here Nissan has always updated the GTR (Skyline) throughout the years and we’re seeing the same treatment with the 3xx Z.