Doctor Bill

It’s a 1989 IROC-Z on Long Island somewhere.

I wonder what the annual cost in tires is.

I haven’t seen this many unemployed Muskovites in the streets since November 1917.

Should’ve had an Allagash White:

Ask Drew Magary about Peter King and Allagash White sometime.

Doro wat.

I’ll take “Things That Are Obvious“ for $1000 please, Alex.

Y’know, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes...

The less-than-pc-named “hobo dinners” we had all through Scouts were hamburger, onions, carrots, potatoes, and gravy mix wrapped up in aluminum foil and cooked in the coals for 10 minutes.

Please clap.


I guess it’s tough to act like you’ve been there before when you haven’t.

I actually sold one of these in 1996.

I love the...Peugeot...because I’m a masochistic nitwit.

Now all they have to do is bring back the Prelude.

Oh, it still sounds crazy.

please no

And now I’ll never unsee it.

I haven’t seen this many Muskovites so frantic about assigning blame since the collapse of the Mozhaisk Line.