As it happens, Harry-2 made a similar mistake on Earth-2, leading to the existence of Zoom and many other meta-villains. (Be nice to see a few more heroes, I think.)
As it happens, Harry-2 made a similar mistake on Earth-2, leading to the existence of Zoom and many other meta-villains. (Be nice to see a few more heroes, I think.)
I was talking about his Earth-2 career as Jay Garrick/Flash, not as Zoom.
For some reason they didn't give them to everyone. And Rip's comments made it clear that he wasn't interfering in Jax telling his father.
- So Bonnie spends three years in a cabin hiding from the Armory (based on Enzo's gut feeling that if they want her it will be bad for her), without her powers, and finally winds up falling in love with the only person that she ever sees, who she used to hate? We're drifting into some pretty gross Stockholm Syndrome…
The chronobabble in this show is so thick you couldn't see through it with x-ray vision. Ray asks an interesting question: "If someone kills me in 20 years in the past, when do I disappear?" And when do people forget about me? When do my actions stop influencing the timeline? 10 minutes later? "Now," whatever that…
"Tragedy or heartbreak. That's how it always ends in the man's not Carter." As opposed to if the man is Carter - then it ends in tragedy and heartbreak. 206 lives and counting.
- Pro Tip: if you're going to go all Omega Protocol one a bunch of folks, just do it. Don't first send three Chronos-types to beat them up,…
The rules are: we can say whatever we want. Don't ask questions or think about it.
- Which means that the stakes and the character choices are always blurry. Some shows (like Doctor Who) can compensate for this with abundant charm. I'm not sure this show is sufficiently charming to get away with it.
It's precisely because "ordinary" gay characters are so rare that it's frustrating to see them killed off.
Certainly didn't mean I was blaming you.
Ah. My mistake, then. Maybe I was trying to respond to someone else.
Okay, so did Wells know Zoom's origin as Hunter Zolomon all this time and never bothered to tell anyone? And did Zoom really run all around Earth-2 looking like the immensely infamous Hunter Zolomon ("There was a podcast!") except for the beard and mustache, and no one ever recognized him? And they never shaved him at…
It amazes me how often very powerful people in this show stand around doing nothing. For example, last week Non visited CatCo and saw two human beings resisting Myriad. And he doesn't try to find out how. He doesn't confiscate their devices. And most inexplicably, he doesn't simply kill them. You know, while Supergirl…
I finally realized that they were implying that she thought she would (or might) succeed, but at the cost of her own life. Without that, the scene with James - "be happy without me, although of course you and everyone else will be dead" - was laughably bizarre.
I don't see Nacho as either that protective of Hector or that sure that Mike wouldn't shoot.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Particularly considering the roles I knew him from earlier (which he was perfectly good at, but were very different from this).
If you think Chuck withheld that information in order to spare Jimmy's feelings, then we're watching different shows.
I wouldn't.
Yes, but Chuck's point of view is terribly distorted by his prior assumption that he's the good guy and Jimmy's the bad guy. Saying "hey, it's been three days and we need to eat" (followed by "I'll get us both something - I remember what you like") is not an insult to their mother; it's actually a sensible and loving…
The sexually manipulative bisexual, secretly sleeping with both siblings to worm information out of them and further her career? Yeah, I think they could have kept Gabe around for contrast.
Can't a character be gay just because, y'know, some people are gay? If writers only include gay characters for plot purposes or to single them out in some way, then we're still in the "exotic" or "other" category. I enjoyed the fact that Gabe seemed to be a gay character for no reason at all; that's rare. Then, of…