
I prefer the baseless rumor that the 14th Doctor is gonna be Helena Bonham Carter

I can’t remember what writer it was that said the reason Baldwin’s Trump impersonation was so good was because Trump’s entire public person for the past 30 years was an impersonation of Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. That gave me pause.

1st two seasons are great. 

L.A. changes people, and not always for the worse”

a Family Matters reboot would work best as a cartoon. On Rick & Morty.

I thought his performance in Southland Tales was phenomenal. He was the best part of that messy messy film.

May I suggest “Nerdball” or possibly “Dorkrosse”

I believe it’s spelled “HOOR”?

I think this whole perpetuates the myth of Let It Be/ The Get Back sessions as “the end” when it wasn’t. They made Abbey Road after those sessions fell apart. Then Lennon gave the tapes for the abandoned album to Phil Spector. These sessions are the penultimate Beatles recording period but because Let It Be came out

yeah. It’s truly disappointing. when everything came out about his behavior one thing I thought and said repeatedly was that I wanted to hear his honest take on it, I wanted to hear him do what he did best, that being comedy with a an incredible degree of empathy and self reflection. I wanted to hear him discuss this

wait, that’s not Pete Holmes? I really thought that was Pete Holmes!

I feel this except I was more of an Animorphs kid. I mean I liked HP and did read them but they weren’t the series with the most impact on young me

the best one is the 80s punk band Jodie’s Foster Army

I need to see this as soon as possible. That’s a shame about Haynes downplaying the Doug Yule period though, the self titled 3rd album is brilliant and Loaded is at least a very good album if not a masterpiece. Plus the best live documentation of The Velvet Underground, The Quine Tapes, is all from the post-Cale

yeah the joke about space Jews is what made me go “oh shit he’s a hotep!” thanks for comparing us to aliens who wanna take over the planet Dave. It was a lot less nasty than the avalanche of anti trans bullshit that filled up the rest of the special but yeah

I maintain that Ben Linus is one of the all time great television characters. I’ve rewatched Lost multiple times and his performance was just astounding

watch the final episode is gonna take place on 9/11

what truly baffles me is that Disney already tried to do live action remakes of their classic films 20+ years before this batch and nobody cared! Does anyone remember the 90s live action Jungle Book or the live action 101 Dalmatians?? 

I really really like Off The Grid. It’s so damn good. Too bad the rest of the album doesn’t have anything else nearly of that quality. But I’ve been listening to it over and over again.

Alan Partridge strikes me as the British equivalent to Stephen Colbert (the fictional right wing blow hard not the talk show host)