to quote Sara Silverman, "yeah we killed jesus and we'd do it again too!"
to quote Sara Silverman, "yeah we killed jesus and we'd do it again too!"
sounds like Captain Beefheart. I like it.
This is really gonna snowball out of control
ok wait, Brian Johnson sounds NOTHING like Bon Scott. That is an outrageous statement.
I was a teenager during those years and listened to American Idiot a lot although, to me, the defining rock album of the era was The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
no Leonard Cohen? I'm Your Man and The Future adapted synths maybe better than any other albums. Also, Empire Burlesque is a bizarre record. I'm an obsessive Dylan fan and it perplexes me.
Disney's "Monster Power Bottoms"
Dracula 3000: infinite darkness
the fact that he's willing to play along with crap like this certainly doesn't make him look good.
vut are you talking about?
Sarah Jessica Wanker
I. LIKE. THE PREQUELS. *dies in fiery explosion*
Batman Returns is a christmas movie too
BVS sucked but Batfleck was the only good part of it and I'm genuinely looking forward to Ben Affleck making his own Batman movie
is that the daughter or the ex wife? I always get the two of them confused.
Hepititis, more like HepiTITTIES amiright???
he's the intellectual kinda republican, of the William F Buckley sorta mould. Everybody hates those guys.
my favorite album of this year was Atomic by Mogwai