
he's probably just doing the soundtrack to Halflife 3


I did a little dance when I found out Helena Bonham Carter was single.

Vector marketing and Cutco are so full of shit


Am I the only person to notice that the entire premise of Blues Clues seems to have been lifted from Monty Python's "Find The Fish" sketch in The Meaning Of Life. "Check in his trousers!" "ohhh fishy fish fish fish"

That game is highly underrated. As the first 3d Castlevania I really feel it succeeded wildly but it doesn't get much love

you left out the violin theme from Castlevania 64!

Once Upon A Time In Mexico kinda cornered that market

Sister Act Vs Predator

Predator Vs Predator: DIVORCE COURT

The band?

all I know about "Martin" is because one of my good friends (while both of us were very very stoned) once regaled me with the plot of an episode of it where Martin got beat up by Bushwick Bill from the Geto Boys

The who?

They were probably all designed by algorithm

I like to imagine that part of the inspiration for Goodman's performance as Walter in The Big Lebowski came from his irritation at working with her

My ex girlfriend could do a PERFECT Tim Allen grunt. If you heard it you'd have thought Tim Allen was the one making it.

The ending of Hackers had a profound effect on me as an adolescent

the heart wants what the heart wants

Somebody should have stopped her.