They did twice (of the hundreds of orders delivered) for me and each time the order was late and thrown on my lawn rather than placed by my door.
They did twice (of the hundreds of orders delivered) for me and each time the order was late and thrown on my lawn rather than placed by my door.
Air brakes, duh
You won my internet today. Thank you
My first thought as well
I used to rant and rave on the interwebs, but have found less snark leads to more productive conversations rather than hurling poo. I can get pretty passionate about Katrina being from the area, but I’ve been in the PacNW going on 8 years now. If you don’t know what hurricane season is like every year it’s hard to…
And I now realize that I completely referenced the stories of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and “Henny Penny” when all I needed was the latter. Hopefully, the point wasn’t lost.
This is a bit long, but you did close your abrasive commentary with an equally abrasive question.