Doctor Boo

Not even close. It's a great little film that got hurt by the Oscar win (it now has huge expectations on it which it cannot meet but was never designed to) but it paled to WALL-E then and especially now.

The Incredibles
Toy Story 2

Get some fucking staaaaaaaaats!

Lucas is way ahead of you - that very thing was done for the lightsaber duel in Episode II.

" I likened them to great TWILIGHT ZONE episodes."

Lower your Newman expectations on her character. The only thing they have in common is that they work at a terminal. She tries zero hacker crap.

"A minus, huh?"
"Proud of me?"
"Very proud. Minus."

Exactly - Wu specifically states that real dinosaurs wouldn't be like the ones in the park because of the gene-splicing. The get-out clause is no longer still there, it's given a shout-out. It's also a pretty good and logical reasoning in the film's universe.

It had it's flaws (most of the teen stuff) but it produced two of the greatest standalone episodes in recent history with the Christopher Eccleston and Carrie Coons focused hours, so I am indeed stoked for its return.

I disagree that LOTR 'pushed it too far'. Not only did they announce way ahead of time that these editions were coming (before the theatrical versions were released) so that you had a choice of waiting for them or buying the original if they weren't for you (or double-dipping if that was your thing) but they also said

It's such a depressing film when watched chronologically - seeing Leonard make his decision and then watching the inevitable happen over the course of the film makes a dark film even darker.

I think mine may have been the director's cut of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels as it was 'only' £10 at the time so I thought I'd better snap that bargain up - I hadn't even got a player at that point.

I don't know if that's true - the DVD set was only released a month before season 2 started airing. Though I don't doubt that DVD sales overall for the show was an ongoing sign of popularity for the studio.

Whenever I got a new set-up or moved house it was the lobby scene from The Matrix followed by the T-Rex attack from Jurassic Park that I used to test everything.

"So like I was saying, there's this other book by a guy named Bakker? And he said dinosaurs died of a bunch of diseases? He definitely didn't say they turned into birds"

I love how they have the Making of Jurassic Park book in there - by the same authors of course - and it still makes sense that it would exist.

A point briefly used in the film with his "They should all be destroyed!" line being dismissed by Hammond as Muldoon's flair for dramatics. A nice motivational twist on greedy Hammond vs. sentimental Hammond.

It saddens me that a half-decent pun like this had less likes than a lazy "fat girls should play large cars because they are fat!" comment.

"No, what does 'exacerbate' mean?"

"The Matrix is ancient history now. It's exactly as old as Return of the Jedi was when it came out"