Or when they do vote - for Jill Stein or write in some garbage to show the Establishment Dumbocrats what’s what.
Or when they do vote - for Jill Stein or write in some garbage to show the Establishment Dumbocrats what’s what.
Well, now we can have a legal War on Christmas.
Lil Tay is the number 2 reason Instagram needs to be wiped of fthe face of the ‘net. #1 is foodie pictures.
“Bobby Flay” is short for “muddle of confused flavors, mostly spicy, somehow tricking people to think that this is good”.
It should have been a 1/1 or 2/1 card at the most for 3 mana and those abilties.
Of course it’s cheaper to use a service that exploits empl...er, workers and doesn’t have to pay for insurance or upkeep on their fleet like a legitimate transport company.
He may well be a good GM, but it’s sometimes hard to tell, since Critical Role is half a cosplay/fantasy series. I would love to watch his players just play the game rather than listen to all their ads about their sponsors and then have to watch them dressed up LARPing their adventures.
That’s a Canadian Destroyer.
No, it was perfect because Lebron lost.
It’s not as easy as that. When you’re at #5 or worse it takes all day to psych youtself up to even make a call to get that appointment made, but by the time you’ve done that it’s too late in the day to actually make that call.
Did it inflate its richness with lies to get on the list the way Donald Trump did?
He made his bed, now he has to lie in it.
Lebron does illegal things all the time, but like Jordan all he has to do is scowl at a ref and they crumble like a cookie.
He did it to himself. If he was just playing the game instead of trying to be coach. GM. and player all at the same time, maybe things would be different?
Evil isn’t God’s enemy. Satan/Lucifer is just doing a job. He’s an angel, and angels can only do the will of God.
Someehat randomly but somewhat appropriate as well: it was perfectly fine for Lot to give up his virgin daughters to the Sodomites rather than give up the angels pretending to be men for whatever was planned. “SO we may know them” is assumed to be sexual, but...
People who eat shellfish are going to hell. God said not to eat oysters or shrimp or any of those seabugs.
She certainly has the right to not take part in political speech she doesn’t care for, but she shouldn’t try to be passive-aggressive about how much she’s being punished for being a “Christian”. I would think she would be very unhappy if her white teammates refused a callup because the team was going to wear a jersey…
This is fine and everything, but once you’re past level 5 you’re not likely to seek help anyway, because what’s the point? They can’t do anything for you anyway, right? When you get to that point you just don’t want to waste people’s valuable time with your mental garbage and worthless presence.
Cornette wonders what WWE will do now that they’ll be profitable no matter what product they put out after getting $4 billion from Fox. Why hire big stars and pay them bank when they can just put out development talent and pay them next to nothing?