
Flea sighting at :35 and Iggy Pop at :53.

In tribute, I'm drinking green food dye.

And if DeVos is any indication, he's not a fan of college in general.

It contains the word Madness. Hits too close to home for him.

Pliny the 20something isn't on board.

My bad. You're absolutely correct. Sorry, Toilets!

Technically, so is a toilet.

Which I don't understand in the least why they aren't moving quicker to remove him. They're only concerns are passing tax cuts, repealing Obamacare, cutting regulations on Wall Street, and removing all civil rights and women's rights. PENCE WILL LET YOU DO ALL OF THAT. Trump is pretty much grinding any legislation

Don't forget that Russia hacked the RNC as well. They just didn't release anything (yet). And I guarantee that those emails are far worse than a Risotto recipe.

The question is, will we last 4 years?

Is Wernor Herzog directing 2017? This seems too crazy even for him!

I'm gonna go ahead and take a wild guess as to what was #1. Thriller?

Yeah, I was expecting 'open bar.'

This news is kind of unreal.

"New quill, who dis?"

Scarface is one of the great "bad" movies of all time.

I can see that, but there was a nebulas period in the early nineties where the crossover was still happening, and both labels were used kind of interchangeably .

These aren't the bears you were looking for.

That's college rock. I don't think indie rock became a thing until the late '90s.

Is the AV Club a breaking news site now?