
I think they should go the opposite route and cast Idris Elba as Mary Jane and Michael Pena as Gwen Stacy.

What the fuck ride did I get on, then.

Next, they should do a really in depth look at how the "Lost" title sequence was made.

Look at Little Miss Can't Be Wrong over here…

Straight down the (series of) tube(s)

I didn't understand it at the time. I must have listened to "The Good Life" thousands of times in my life. That track was great then and is great now. The rest of the album is also amazing.


This may be an unpopular opinion among Weezer fans, but Pinkerton was there last good album. Shit seemed to go straight to hell for them once Matt Sharp left.

Saw this in the theater with my dad as a teen. He looked at me after the movie ended and just said: "Well, the music was good."

I just assumed it was Paul Walker, since apparently he couldn't even bother to show up to film his scenes.

I once took some LSD and fell asleep before it hit. I woke up about an hour later, tripping balls, and I'd left the TV on to MTV. Amp was the show now playing, and what video did I wake up to? Come To Daddy.

I'm partial to Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.

If I based favorite movies on how many times I've seen it, Rounders would be close to the top. That is all.

Those girls are gone

Is this real?

"The driver said hey man we go all the way
Of course we were willing to pay."

It's a Venn Diagram.

ICACT just doesn't have quite the same ring to it as CHiPS.

It's how I feel about most novelty videos on the internet. I watch and I'm like, "Aww, look at the puppy popping all them balloons."

"Letting the days go by, Coca-Cola flowing in a pool…"