
Where'd you grow up that this was mind blowing? I was 16 when this came out and I was just bored out of my mind.

Am I the only one who found this movie boring as fuck? I remember the hype for this when it came out and then watched it and was like, ok? And?


True. I just like the visual aspect.

I'll always be grateful for him introducing "fish belly" as a racial slur towards white people.

Twilight had a protagonist? I haven't seen the movies, but from the trailers, I assumed it was just a bunch of trees talking to each other, which I didn't really get.

If you want to imagine 50 Shades as part of the YA genre, you may want to have a seat over there.

I'm on the fence. I do think that Aronofsky should be on there, but The A's are already overflowing. I wouldn't necessarily bump any of them for him, but if you had to, maybe Wes?

As long as Jarmusch is mentioned, I'm fine with Jonze being on there. At least he has a style that is his own.

Sydney Lumet is a terrible omission. I would also argue that Fincher should be on the list as well, as an honorable mention for sure, but on the list. I think Alien3 was his only bad film. And even that wasn't awful.

To be fair, Woody Allen is extremely overrated.

Finally, OZ getting the recognition it deserves.

Or an overpriced, sub-par vodka.

Casual fans.

So, basically he's saying that he wants it to be one way, but it's the other?

The show 'Girls' would've been a lot better if it opened with Hannah and Co. getting the shit beat out of them by Abbi and Ilana, and then the rest of the series was just Broad City.

They realize that Cuaron made more films than just Gravity (his weakest), right?

Who nose how these things turn out.

Tune in. Only on Braavos.

Exactly. Notice that most of the anti-streaming proponents are established acts who essentially lost a major stream of revenue when the $17 CD went away. The same artists who don't stand to lose as much as the up and coming band who can now get their music heard by a wide audience. It just reeks of "I'll still make