

Can they perform stripped down/garage-y versions of their songs a la White Stripes/Black Keys?

It would be great if his next incarnation was as starving artist.
Seriously, it would be great if he just starved.

True Detective is a continuing series, just not a continuing story. Think American Horror Story.

*puts gun in her vagina*

So will this bar be a bastion of date rape, or will it just be a metaphor of a bastion for date rape?

But do they clap?

The Load


Well, this is just..

I still think that in the entire 'Male-antihero-lead' drama, that the gold standard was and still is The Shield. No other show, even Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, so firmly stated that this guy, or guys in the case of the Strike Team are horrible, but you will root for them. And as good as Ozymandias and Fi Le Na

Now if it was "Dead Cold Hands"…

I also don't understand the herring culture in this country. It's a terrible fish, and I'm not some commie Swede. Or Dane or whatever.

I think they're shooting themselves in the foot with this one.

…Kind of?

Oh, was that not rhetorical?

Grazer being involved is interesting. What would really make this great is if they took a cue from Sir Ilyn Payne. At least then we wouldn't get stuck with Sutter's "dialogue".

I just watched the finale last night, and that was my last season. It now joins Walking Dead as the latest show I've quit. The best outcome would be for Tig and Chibs to just murder everyone and move to a better show.

When is FX going to stop letting this guy masturbate on some paper, call it a script, shoot it and air it? At least give him a co EP to reel him in a little. I feel every time I watch something of his, I'm just watching his personal fetish tapes.

It's a Homefill.