
In the biz, it's known as a "meet-choke".

Well, they telegraphed it a little, when Simpson freaked out on him.

When Ciera listed Jeremy as one of the top dogs during tribal, you could just the feel his rage boiling and see his beck tense. I loved it.

Naw, that's totally fair.

That's one hip kid.

2015, am I right?

"Did they ever finish building that World Trade Center?"

And Luck.

Nathan kinda takes a heel turn in this episode. The "Left Hand Path" in the headline refers to the "turning point" Joshua talks about.

I hope one of the 52 Welles has a podcast where he reviews snacks.

So, kinda like a reverse "Outsourced"?

Florida University is my jam. Helped me get through some hard times.

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat.

What? That is not a real puppy. That's too small to be a real puppy.

That promo photo at the top is missing…something.

"Don't forget to wear a condom!"

They're not as bad as the IMNs (Internet Moon Nerds.)

Just when you thought it was safe to return to the comments section…

I want to know why Jessa had an Ice-T OG 1998 Tour shirt, when Original Gangster came out in 1991.