
Yeah. *chuckle* Totally Kafka-esque.

Todd Berry was in Bored to Death, also.

Todd Berry was in Bored to Death, also.

This "A" review is brought to you by the AV Club's IFC Podmass Central in cahoots with Comedy Bang! Bang!

This "A" review is brought to you by the AV Club's IFC Podmass Central in cahoots with Comedy Bang! Bang!

@Broan:disqus Sarah Silverman really DOES look better these days!

@Broan:disqus Sarah Silverman really DOES look better these days!

WTH is up with all the links to internal AV Club pages with embedded players for these podcasts? I like to read a review of something I missed and click over to DOWNLOAD it. If you're going to drive me to another AVC page just to increase page views, at least give me a direct link to the show page so that I can

WTH is up with all the links to internal AV Club pages with embedded players for these podcasts? I like to read a review of something I missed and click over to DOWNLOAD it. If you're going to drive me to another AVC page just to increase page views, at least give me a direct link to the show page so that I can

I love that all the comments on that song are from the Doc himself.

I love that all the comments on that song are from the Doc himself.

Do what thou wilt shall be the hole in your tooth.

@avclub-fe667cc638187e2a2ed9661c0b94f457:disqus Are you saying the only reason that HBO gave this show to Lena Dunham is because her father is a famous puppet comedian? I think I skimmed an article about that.

At first I was a little confused by Kenneth in his page outfit, but later when we see him in his janitor uniform, I realized that they were
spoofing the idea that reality shows just take footage from whenever and
edit it in when useful. Of course, if that wasn't the producer's
intent, I want a No Prize!

Also, if you're committing fraud, it's probably not a good idea to mention that fact in a talking head interview for a documentary. That's way more problematic to me than a floating car camera.