Is that marinated in some kind of special sauce? Because that doesn’t look like any chicken I have ever seen.
Is that marinated in some kind of special sauce? Because that doesn’t look like any chicken I have ever seen.
They should have titled this “Digimon Universe” so that it could be the game Haru played in Applimonsters.
Because all I hear about this thing here and elsewhere is that “It had better have GBA games on there!” and the sheer stupidity over that is driving me fucking insane. It’s not having GBA games. Get the fuck over it.
Even if that is the case, why the hell would Nintendo put, say, The Minish Cap on the same system as Super Mario Land? That’s like selling an NES Classic and putting Game Cube games on there. It’s fucking idiotic.
Basic black is the default one. Aside from those three, there’s one that’s sort of a green vector 90's CGI one as well as a few that change colors depending on what game you’re playing and sometimes what level you’re in.
Oh yea, I can’t see ANYBODY bitching about that. Especially since the letterbox would take up literally half the screen.
See, I don’t think Nintendo will use any NES ports of games, so I doubt Dr. Mario is going to be on there.
1) It HAS to be playable in handheld form somehow. You can’t sell a Game Boy Classic and have it be TV-only. The casual market would be pissed off heavily.
It won’t be the same size as the original. I’d rather it be a replication of the Game Boy Pocket, but it’ll probably be closer in size to the Game Boy Color.
I’ve heard people championing this everywhere and I’m flabbergasted. GBA games on that tiny-ass square screen? Really? Do people expect this thing to be a Transformer or something and you just pull out a bigger screen?
You honestly believe people who own the SNES Classic wouldn’t rebuy them on the Switch? Really? REALLY?
Part of me thinks they would advertise it having Super Game Boy color palettes that you can choose.
What I personally think is a possible lineup for a possible Game Boy Classic:
It’s the wallpaper Nintendo released for Kirby’s 25th Anniversary.
The SNES boxart border is pretty cool. Of the pre-loaded ones, the wood-grain, galaxy, and city-scape borders are really cool.
If EA and WB aren’t making profit on Battlefront 2 and Shadow of War, games with huge DLC price tags and multiple tiers of pre-order special editions, then maybe the development of these games might have gotten a bit too bloated for their own good.
She’ll also be lucky to make a fraction of her current salary at any other network. If she wants to be on sports television, her only real options outside ESPN are local or NBC SN, neither of which have as wide a reach or pay as much money.
I find the whole “ESPN is losing subscribers” stuff hilarious since everyone apparently believes all of those 100 million (or whatever) subscribers are exclusively there for ESPN and not for, say, USA Network or AMC or TNT or whatever.
I’m sorry, how is this different than any other TV network?
Actually no, I don’t read Jezebel. I used to check out The Slot shortly after the 2016 election, but I stopped that long ago.