
Let’s make a deal. Get rid of every unnecessary government agency, expenditure, subsidy, tax break and handout. Basically cut everything that is not essential to the operation of the federal government. Then, get rid of/stop enforcing laws that don’t need to exist. Use the budget surplus to pay off some of the

The RNG Gods bless me the day FB Heroes release because my first roll was a 5 star Ryoma, my third roll another 5 star Ryoma and 5 or so rolls later got 5 star Takumi. At this point i thought the game was broken or the RNG Gods were trolling me since i can’t get a decent roll on Brave Exvius even if my life depended

Imagine Salem Media converting all their sites into operatives seeking to take down a Democrat ruler like Obama or Hillary. How far away would the shrieks of outrage be heard - Pluto, the next galaxy over or the far side of the Universe?

No offense guys and gals but you’ll need to drop your personal biases out of your articles for me to consider any of your sites an actual “news” source. I’m as anti-Trump as can be, but I call it like I see it.

I love the sound of liberal whining. Here’s the point you’re missing.....the GOP controlled the Senate when Garland was nominated. Given that they were in control, it was totally within the prerogative of the Majority Leader whether or not to take up the nomination. The President did his job by making the nomination.

Hahaha you guys are absolute trash

No no, have you had the cracked pepper ones? This is truly the world’s greatest cracker.

Still looking for a way to filter out these politically motivated BS posts. Only here for 3 things, Kotaku’s articles, The occasional Space post from Gizmodo, and the odd Car post that looks interesting from Jalopnik. Has this filter feature been removed?

I am anti-Trump and registered independent. However, I had to work on Friday, which required that I wear a suit and tie in Downton Washington D.C. A camera was snapped point blank in my face over a dozen times. People shoved me repeatedly (not hard, but very nerve wracking) and I was verbally threatened in the two

The left has been indoctrinated to view Trump as the devil - from MSM to Hollywood to liberal sites like these - all virtue-signalling and proclaiming that America is bad, men are bad, being white is bad and Christians are bad. Guess what? You’re on the wrong side of history - open your eyes, shut your mouths and

I agree, whatever happened to discourse and being able to hold onto your own ideas? A liberal commentator nailed it, the inability to have discourse or for many extremists on both sides to shout someone down or call them stupid or even incite violence if their views don’t align with yours is insane. You will not

I don’t really find anything she says that out of line that she should be called dumb. She may be a bit emotional after encountering protesters and getting eggs thrown at her. This is why the left struggled in the election - everyone who disagrees with you is dumb (or insert whatever other label that has been thrown

You’re literally attacking someone for allying herself because she feels marginalized in some way.

Someone assaulted her because of her voting for a different candidate. Listen, I’m not a Trump supporter by any means, but fuckin christ... Quit fucking assaulting people who don’t share your beliefs, unless they are actual nazis.

Your title means republican= stupid?

Please continue beating this drum. 2018 midterm election is going to be a slaughter again. Leaving all of the smarter, better and more sophisticated people such as yourself are going to be left wondering wtf happened to the democratic party. Meanwhile a super majority will make sure that you hate life for the 6

Sounds like she is just hoping for the best. Even her declaration that she would stand behind Trump comes with hesitation and acknowledgement that she does not share the same beliefs and will not force herself to. She even makes a point to say that she’s bunched into that negative stigma of what a Republican is,

Democrat proudly endures persecution while growing in conviction. What you say when the political parties are reversed while same thing happens.