
So a Bay Area team that many people thought were destined to win the title ended up blowing a 3-1 lead at home against a “cursed” team from the Midwest and Draymond Green was at the game?

No, I had felt that way for a long time and then I went to school in central IL and my opinion has completely changed. Cards fans are unquestionably worse

I just don’t get it, and I’m not trying to be a shitbag, but it doesn’t make sense to me.

Depends who are Cub “fans”. There are the fans who have stuck with them since their earliest memories (like those of us who still drink out of the Dr. Pepper cup while keeping Leon Durham’s image facing outward) . And then there are fans who can’t name anyone beyond Bryant, Rizzo, or even remember Arrieta’s first

I kinda don’t get the “Cubs fans will be worse than Sox fans” assumptions. I kinda feel like ticket sales will just go down once they win and after Novemeber everyone will just move on to Hockey. But oh well. The white Sox fans will always hate Cubs fans even if they had won 5 championships in the last 10 years.

So as a Cubs fan since ‘84, what’s the allowed time to celebrate before we become insufferable? Because there’s a lot of pent-up disappointment that has to come out somewhere.

Now playing

Cubs fans as a body may become even more obnoxious than normal if they win, fine. How about this.

Considering how much shit I’ve taken from Cardinals (and later White Sox) fans my entire life, I really don’t give a shit if the Cubs become the new most hated fanbase in baseball if it means there’s a 2016 World Series flag on top of Wrigley next year.