I am happy to see it didn't disturb Squiggy too much from his nap.
I am happy to see it didn't disturb Squiggy too much from his nap.
I had a metallic brown 1985 Cadillac. My mechanic kept telling me in broken English, "This car... very bad. Get new car." I loved the thing anyway. I bought it from a friend who was given it by his grandfather. I paid $500. The sunroof had been caulked shut, and the windows always seemed to get stuck up when it…
Yet another forum filled with perfect people who laugh at someone who is at least trying to pop the hood and do some minor tasks. I didn't read past the first page, but at least the guy had a "Ha, I am a dumbass" attitude.
It'll be like Weekend at Bernies. But cooler.
Hate cake shows, hate Ace Cake Chef Boss. The stuff they make looks like unappetizing bad play-doh sculptures.
This is easy, I sat through the last Harry Potter and I am expected to see the next one, which I will do without complaint. Just as long as we can squeeze in Senna.
Somehow I still think it was the Ferrari's fault.
I bet they never build more than 200 of those.
I am pretty sure a lot of concepts don't drive.
I once bought one of these where the odometer had broken at 275,000 miles for $500 and promptly drove it on a 4000 mile road trip (Vegas and back). Great car, but struggled a bit at altitude in the Rockies.
Steve Jobs?
Steve McQueening a LeCar is almost awesome.
Someday I hope to be a fat old man with these types of problems.
Lots of ways it could have burned up. I once looked under the hood when my Polara wouldn't start and somehow I'd left a long screwdriver laying in the engine compartment that fell onto the battery when the hood was shut, shorted the battery and completely roasted one of the cables. Could have easily been a Rusty…