Dont blame designers, I am one and I hate it. Theres an argument for honest design and an argument for user experience. Because when real exhaust tips move/shake it makes my tip move/shake.
Dont blame designers, I am one and I hate it. Theres an argument for honest design and an argument for user experience. Because when real exhaust tips move/shake it makes my tip move/shake.
Which is my point. You don’t get more powerful ones in America, you just don’t get the less powerful variants. Market forces and all that.
What you mean is that you can get less powerful options on many cars in Europe. More powerful options can be had too. Don’t want a 1.5 MX5? You can get the 2.0 if you like. Don’t want a BMW 114d? Plenty more to choose from and so on and on.
It’s actually a great location for a screen there. It’s a sleek and lighweight design that allows you to have conventional climate controls in the proper ergonomic location, yet still allows you to have your Nav, Pandora, XM Radio, etc up in a location that doesn’t require you to look down from the road to view. It…
Man, $50,000 for a squashed Golf with a four cylinder. What even.
If you watch it in hi def slo mo action replay, you can see that his brake was kicked, locking his rear and and and and
In situations wherein two bikes are about to occupy the same space, you have to extend parts of your body to keep them from getting tangled up. Usually, it’s an elbow or a knee. When I’m racing, and I feel a bike or body on my arm or leg, I extend it to make sure bars, clipons, and bodywork don’t snag, which would…
No no no, his move is the headbutt.
Ugh, I look at that crowd and I think... these are people who think they’re cool, but they are absolutely not.
“The first release models are ALWAYS the super expensive signature editions.”
I’m not saying it’s bad for what it is, it’s just that that doesn’t make it cool. The new Prius will get better mpg and outsell its rivals too, does that make it cool? What does it need to be cool? I don’t know, but the model S doesn’t have it. What it had was loads of novelty, which you mistook as cool and has now…
Wasn't really cool to begin with.
Forget all the complainers, this is reality. And the reality of the fact is that racing, let alone group B, is a dangerous and potentially dangerous sport. Granted, this crash was one of the pretenses for the fall of group B, but above that, pushed for more safety.
Its a famous crash. One that ended Group B. Get over yourself, its not even gory and its over 30yrs old.
Thank you! Seriously, the gif isn’t even that graphic. Grow the fuck up. People die. You will too one day. Get the fuck over it. Would all these folks be OK with this gif if both the driver and passenger had survived with horrific injuries (lifetime coma, lost limbs, horrible burns, etc.)? So, it’s only an issue…
No way. I’m using UE4 a lot recently, and it’s no where near that slow. This is the problem with developing your own engine and not devoting the necessary resources into it fully.
So much delusion here I am actually pretty blown away. Because it was on your wall in poster form as a kid does not mean it was the right vehicle at the right time or that it even came near to meeting its intended purpose.
I forgot how ugly that thing was. Jesus.