
Fuel flow rates mean that the engines are actually revving no higher than 10500rpm. That makes the fundamental engine note almost a full octave lower.

Do bikes count toward CAFE-type regulations?

Sounds like he's bitter about not being able to afford to go.

Really? Third in the 2012 WDC in a Lotus? A win and six 2nd places in 2013, when he'd have finished 3rd in the WDC again if he hadn't missed the last two races?

Well there's your answer. The people who live in London's C-charge zone are exactly the kind of people who a) own Range Rovers, and b) like to think they care about saving the planet, or at least want to give the impression that they do.

There is the West Country, I suppose - though it actually means the south-western peninsula. And East Anglia is named from being the eastern part of England. But yes.

That prototype bears almost no relation to the production part!

Negative points for fake diffuser.

Or drivers could respect double waved yellows and not jeopardise marshal's lives as well as their own.

Wow, that thing is a hot mess.

You think a VW Type 1 is a coupe?

Yuck, I forgot they put the leaper on that in the US market.

These are pretty popular in Britain still - dealers are grey-importing them from Japan to meet demand. Fetch £4k and upwards.

Extemely porcine.

Taking the roof off adds a quarter of a ton? Wow.

Can you even buy Cadillacs outside of North America? Hard to see how it could kill the M3 when it isn't even available in BMW's home market.

Yeah, but a lot of people enjoy driving a three-pedal car more than any auto or flappy paddle system, no matter how cleverly its innards operate or how fast it shifts. Clutch pedal or gtfo.

Not even a flatnose 930?

It a clutch pedal? No? Hardly a manual, then.