When she's driving, I hope she keeps both hands on the steering wheel. I hope I hope I hope...
When she's driving, I hope she keeps both hands on the steering wheel. I hope I hope I hope...
I am a lover of all things Jeep but this is totally AWESOME!!! I would love to do this to any beater vehicle!
Definitely one of my favorites!
You, sir, are AWESOME! How is it you do not have a star yet? That is SO cool! HC for you!
Seriously? Lexus put LFA badges on this? If you don't know what it is when you see it, you obviously aren't a car person and probably don't care what kind if car it is, "as long as it gets me from point A to point B."
Thank you so much for that! I needed to see something beautiful after even thinking of the Ferrari California, let alone one with denim interior. There is only one thing wrong with that picture...
Wow. That is just terrible workmanship there! Even I would know to reroute the wire under the carpet at least! And I don't know a damn thing about electronics! That's just terrible!
Chrysler needs a 4BT Turbo kit for the Wrangler. I would LOVE to convert my JK into a diesel and I've heard it's quite easy and common to stick a 4BT in one, so I may have to do it. Plus my cousin is a Wyotech diesel mechanic, so that would help with the instal and such.
A Jeep girl is a keeper! I wish my girlfriend even gave a rats ass about my JK. She just sees it as another car and one that I like to get muddy.
A big fan of mine named "AJ" loved my first post in the original story that I think I'll post it again! Dude keeps blasting me for telling a true story ([jalopnik.com] href="http://jalopnik.com/comments/">#comments) and he evidently loves it so much that I'm gonna post it again just cause!
The hotel was a total disgrace by Vegas standards (or at least my Vegas standards). Your gut is spot on. It's still a dump's dump. Only thing they got going for them is The Auto Collection.
Thanks for that story to back mine up. Evidently someone (see "AJ's" very kind responses to me above) doesn't agree with my sentiments. Heart Click for you kind sir! AJ's gonna have to learn how to be nice before he ever gets a HC from this guy!
Ah so you're the brah who wrote this very kind response to Mr.Hardigree ([jalopnik.com] How very not douche of you! Please read fesifisky's response below. Looks like my cousin isn't the only Best Buy installer who can't do anything right. Ass.
A second vote goes to the Swigart Antique Auto Museum in Huntington, PA ([www.swigartmuseum.com] They have the Tucker "Tin Goose" Prototype and Tucker #1013. I haven't been there yet, but I can be there in 3 hours and I'm planning on going before the summer is out.
One vote goes towards The Auto Collection at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas ([autocollections.com] It claims it's the worlds largest classic car museum. Also, when I was there last year, they had 3 RS200's lined up next to each other. I've never cried over a car before until I saw the 3 RS200's in one area. It was…
Hey! Thanks for the compliment! I'll send them a resume first thing tomorrow morning!
Yep you caught me! I'm TOTALLY lying! I made up the whole story just for the fucking hell of it. I have no life and I just like to sit here all day and make up stories for my personal gratification.
Bill's articles are awesome! End of story.
I would never take a car I love to Best Buy and here's why. My cousin worked there when he was in high school as an installer or whatever you call those guys who put in your stereo. His first blunder was backing a car (I want to say Lexus or Infiniti) out of the bay with the drivers door open and bending it forwards…