Combaticus Redux

"Secondhand Smoke Linked To Secondhand Coolness."

You can at least say, "Great, Dane cook's not in this."

"Cheap Garbage Disposal Can't Handle Femur."

"Earl Campbell called, he wants his thighs back."

That's inky!

Whoa, slow down Nate Silver!

T.J. Miller is free to play Patrick.

All my money is tide up in a shell corporation.

We need to coral up this thread.

I guessed Elon Mollusk.

I agree
No misogyny
Just can't unsee
Alt-right Alison Brie.

I'm still waiting for the folks from Jingleheimer Junction to get their act together.

I'm PST, so my evening home has been confirmed.

Thanks for another view on this. I wanted to make sure my comment was for my own situation. I'm glad you have had the benefit of SSRIs to make life manageable.
I have to say, this is a nice Friday night group session here at AVC.

How about the bra she couldn't wear for Star Wars?
"I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra."

Trump would be the worst Animaniac character ever.
Or, the best?

Agreed. I, for one, would NOT take a psych med under any circumstances, as they force brain chemistry into a fixed,happy line that I don't want (I actually like that I can emote). I've reached out to counseling in the wake of my brother passing away last Thanksgiving, mostly over guilt that I could have done more to

That's messed up.

Hell, Millions of Dead Cops are still going strong.

Sorry for your loss, by the way.