
Its a choice between voting for a puppet or voting for the puppet master.

The only reason why Canada can paint itself as a non racist utopia is because its white as fuck (76%) with the only sizeable minority being Asian (14%), most of whom are considerably affluent. The ‘others’ make up just 10% of the Canadian population.

The dividing line tends to be whether you spent your formative years on the internet or not, at 26 I can easily get into converstaions and topics with younger people but its less easier with those a decade or older who are less likely to ‘get it’ or may not be able to stomach the more entertaining conversations of

Guy here, been doing this for three years since leaving college, it was fine at first but is now turning into a fucking nightmare as parents still treat me like a kid and dont get how infuriating this is as they left home at 18.

Frankly the way I see it, Trump is the only candidate who has been consistently honest about his narcissism and his willingness to do and say anything to get the presidency.

Actually it does work as the #alllivesmatter movement would love to show that BLM acts against whites, what better example than a BLM activist trafficking and selling poor white girls for prostitution?

I could seriously get behind battlebots with guns.

Except its obvious that just as Jon’s 2000 wildlings are about to get routed by Ramsay’s 5000 strong Bolton army, Littlefinger is going to swoop in with the Knights of the Vale and save the day JUST AS PLANNED.

Guy here, dated a women 13 years older than me when I was 24 for two years, I was employed, certainly knew what I was doing and it was one of the best relationships Ive ever had. Meanwhile Selena Gomez at 23 is worth $45 million, banging Legolas and is likely more financially and mentally independent and mature than

What is with American girls and fighting? I mean sure girls smack each other all over but between shovel girl, this death and countless other videos, no other country do I see girls/women organising a time and place to beat the shit outta each other. Anyone willing to help a foreigner understand this?

Well thats the dilemma isnt it? In an ideal world all women should be able to hack it just as well as men in general but if most of them could, feminism wouldnt need to be a thing would it?

Depends on the guy in question.

Perhaps more mix gendered interaction in public spaces will improve the way the humans behave.

The hospital denied her because she had already miscarried and was asking for them to bury her fetus, a service they dont provide.

Smartphone in bottom of sleeping bag, tactical texting and facebooking for millennial soldiers on ex, everyone was doing it.

Its a little sad these days that whenever a shot is thought to be heard the first thought isnt that someones been murdered, its that this is a massed murder and were all gonna die.

This sudden warming up to Russian hardware and discontent with the Americans in the Middle East is a direct result of Russia’s Syrian intervention. In just six months Russian airpower together with coordinated ground offensives had reversed the course of the war, devastated enemy morale and forced a ceasefire all for

You pretty much described the patriarchy and the overwhelming cultural preference for sons worldwide.

I think a license plate would probably nullify the blank spot at the front but yeah it was a little jarring at first.

But the Model X does have a seam with the logo on the front, the front of the III has nothing, it looks like its missing something.