DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

One can only hope. They both showed total disregard of common gun safety principles.

Huh. Maybe bleach really doesn’t work against covid!

She says they do! And that they’re “tasteful” and she’s “not a tattoo girl.” (Which, girl, you’ve got tattoos - so you are indeed a “tattoo girl.”) You know it would totally boost sales if she shows ‘em. I can hardly wait to find out!

They will certainly try to say the election should be postponed. It won’t be, though, because congress would have to approve it, and they won’t.

He did not take any test before the debate. He got there too late for that. I think he already knew he had it on Thursday. If not sooner.

Well, yes, but being on a ventilator isn’t typically described as being “on oxygen.” They’re already messing with the timeline. It’s pretty clear that he was on oxygen at some point, given the waffly nature of the denial. Probably huffed as much as he could just before being photographed walking off the heli.

I just

Hmm. Being on a ventilator isn’t considered “supplemental oxygen” amirite?

It also varies from place to place. When I lived in Chicago, 9pm was way early to go out. You might start getting ready at a leisurely pace around then, and still have time to eat something before leaving the house. The clubs there go all night so you could pretty much go out whenever. No one was there at 9 unless

Remember Night Driver? Super oldskool arcade driving game with almost no graphics. (You were driving at night, so you couldn’t see anything except lane markers and the occasional oil slick. Clever!) I loved that thing, ridiculous as it was. Musee Mechanique in the SF bay area has one.

The Truth is soooooo good. If you want to enjoy it as part of a fantastic mix, check out the INCredible Sound of Gilles Peterson. Just amazing from start to finish.

I have the lite and end up charging it every few days, which is perfectly fine considering how much use it gets. We’ll see how it goes once there are more reasons to leave the house... but yeah, I laughed when I read the headline.

Glad you got out!

It was never about “career guidance” - that was just a front, to find people who were insecure and needy. All cults seek out insecure, needy, searching types to take in. They’d never get recruits otherwise.

This was an excellent read. Thanks, Rich. I will have to seek out that mix. I’m not really up on Dua Lipa enough to even have an opinion (and I see spellcheck hasn’t heard of her yet either, lol) but I always love a good DJ mix.

It would require an act of Parliament (and I don’t mean P-Funk) to remove their titles. Which would then surely cause people to think about His Royal Highness, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and why he still has his. Basically it would create a lot of work at a time when they need to be dealing with the brexit mess and

Florida Man, Florida Man
Florida Man hates McDonald’s Man

For a moment there, I thought your brother was happily married to your uncle for 17 years! What I think things say is always more entertaining than what is actually written.

And the first 22 Strawberry letters! What happened to them?

Same. So amazing! I used to go to the fancy level of (I think) Nordstrom in SF just to ogle his off the peg stuff. I knew better than to try anything on tho because I probably would have ended up going into debt.
And I will always love the story of the time Dianne Brill fell off the runway at one of his shows.

Lindsay’s life - an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines... mmhmm.