I would wear those. But not $50 worth.
I would wear those. But not $50 worth.
Serious. If I could monetize playing Animal Crossing, I’d be eating better!
Yes. They are out there, and you just don’t hear about it, or notice. They are out there being overlooked, much like the sad men. The dating world is brutal for everyone. Being a woman doesn’t mean there will be men lining up to get acquainted. When it comes to dating, women are just as lonely and insecure as men are.…
Keiko Mask
Yeah, smashing nazis is different. The great thing about that is (besides that the nazis deserve it) is that we got rid of them back in the ‘80s and now they don’t turn up at punk venues. AFAIK the punk scene remains nazi-free.
Bad Brains is some classic old skool punk. I’m sorry to hear about HR.
Trolling is motorized these days?! No wonder there are so damn many of them.
If they were cosplaying Star Wars at Disney, it was some kind of special event. They are very strict about not permitting adults to cosplay - not even a generic dress that looks too princessy to them. They’d never let in a guest dressed as a stormtrooper! Nor Leia, Jabba, any of them.
I was a classic “oops!” baby. When I was older and started asking questions, each of my parents told me the other one wanted to abort. I’m sure they’d considered it given the circumstances, so it wasn’t a shock or anything. But it didn’t feel great either. Especially considering the symmetrical stories. Riight, he…
This is textbook sociopath: blame others for the shit that they themselves are actually doing. I had the misfortune to date one once, and any time I said, “hey, you broke this agreement we made” or “hey, stop doing (thing)” the immediate response was not to even try to deny it, but to light into me “because I was…
This perfectly explains why so many people would rather make life unbearable until the other person breaks up with them.
I’ve always thought it was a BDSM relationship. Mostly because Marcie always calls Patty “sir.”
And now he is going to be a teacher. SMDH.
That’s the problem right there. As you point out, some can’t really comprehend not being allowed to do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it.
Why only blame the Olds? It’s the same thing. People are dumb. And feel entitled to do as they will. I agree with you on that.
I always stash any extra paper napkins. They’re only going to get thrown out otherwise. I started it when there were young kids in the family - you never knew when you’d need one for something! (And as Emily Litella reminds us, it’s always something.)
I was bullied in primary school. When I complained about it to adults, they all said, “just ignore it.” Didn’t work. Sometimes they added, “it’s only because he likes you.” Bonus: victim blaming and bullying normalization!
When I was at Uni, I was assigned to write a paper for a psych class on a topic of my choosing. I…
She may demand it. Clients are entitled to act against legal advice and their own bet interests if they so choose.
Betch gets to stay in the pokey for a year! Assuming she doesn’t get Epsteined first. Enjoy those scritchy clothes! May her trial go smoothly and send her right back in.
We should not even be seeing that image in the first place. Tacky AF, ABC7 and People. Shame on them. A memorial is not a pap stroll.