DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

I always stash any extra paper napkins. They’re only going to get thrown out otherwise. I started it when there were young kids in the family - you never knew when you’d need one for something! (And as Emily Litella reminds us, it’s always something.)

I was bullied in primary school. When I complained about it to adults, they all said, “just ignore it.” Didn’t work. Sometimes they added, “it’s only because he likes you.” Bonus: victim blaming and bullying normalization!

When I was at Uni, I was assigned to write a paper for a psych class on a topic of my choosing. I

She may demand it. Clients are entitled to act against legal advice and their own bet interests if they so choose.

Betch gets to stay in the pokey for a year! Assuming she doesn’t get Epsteined first. Enjoy those scritchy clothes! May her trial go smoothly and send her right back in.

We should not even be seeing that image in the first place. Tacky AF, ABC7 and People. Shame on them. A memorial is not a pap stroll.

Yeah, and they look it. I was in a car that was stopped by them once and they looked like military. Pretty scary. I do *OK* with basic Spanish (and they knew a little English from all the Brit tourists) but the driver could barely speak it at all so I had to try to help out. They did let us go eventually! Took a

A lot of us tried to warn people. But as she points out, there is nothing they will stoop to in order to “win.”

Dude. I saw the logo and thought it was a shoop at first! And that Disney would be pissed when they saw it. Probably only the fans will be pissed.

The “Utah Jazz?” Really?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

As I’m sure is obvious, I know very little about sports. What I do know, I mostly learned by reading Real Deadspin (RIP & Fuck Herb Spanfuller!)

Love the scene in the airport with the hare krishnas and the scientologist!

I save them and give them to street people when I have a bag full. That way they will get recycled and I’m helping out someone who needs help.

That’s what Santa said in the followup post! Ding ding ding!

If you want to brush up, check out Duolingo. It’s free, easy to use and they offer a bunch of different languages. The focus is on practical language and also grammar.

It can be a real rabbithole. One of the sayings about scientology (from non scientologists) is: Scientology is always worse than you think - even if you take that into account.

In the hospital. Nurse (nursing assistant, probably?) comes in to change something about my IV. Doesn’t flush the line.
Me: Um, are you gonna flush the line before you connect that?
Nurse/NA: Oh yeah, sorry about that.
Me: I don’t mean to be fussy, but I had a friend who caught one of those awful hospital infections.

They are not scilons. Tom Cruise tried hard to recruit them - along with the Beckhams, who were based in LA at the time. There are photos of them (and Katie Holmes) together from back then. But he failed.

They gave money to set up a school with definite scilon links (since closed). But they were never onboarded.

But, it says on COPS that they are!!!

I think someone is just salty that Cops got canceled.

It is way better looking than the cybertruck, tho.

That trial was painful. I think they could have stuck it if Delaurio hadn’t spoken like he was writing a snarky blog post. He really screwed the pooch.

I miss Car Talk. :-/ My favorite part was when they would mimic the sounds the cars made to people who called in with questions. And they took questions like, if my kid continuously rolls the electric window up and down, how soon will it wear out.

That’s not the issue. I loathe herb Spanfeller, on the daily. But saying he’s worse that sHitler is just trolling. That’s punching down at Jewish people, Gypsies/Roma, LGBT folks, women... so, yeah, no. Not Funny.