DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

My theory on that is that it might have been used as a Halloween “decoration” (still disgusting but not unimaginable) and then someone decided to put it back up for Bubba and his crew. Maybe, maybe not. It’s still disgusting. I do have to say, good for Nascar for doing the right thing and taking it seriously.

Wow, how terrible it would be if the police didn’t help rape victims! Oh, wait.

On July 5th? In Rochester? I can’t believe that was a coinkydink. Smells like Bannon and his deplorable ilk. (Hillary Clinton wasn’t perfect, but she got the deplorable thing right on the nose. They ARE deplorable. On purpose!)

I wonder how many of them are against women’s right to abortion. We’d like our slogan back, thanks. Can these halfwits not come up with anything on their own?!

They would have if they’d thought of it.

You must be new here. This site is all about cooking and recipes. Deadspin (RIP) did not only cover sports that use a ball.

I think we both know the answer to that. Money and sociopathy.

None of this shit comes from “serious creative minds.” It comes from stupid racists.

If she is, all the more reason not to chain her up. Poor cougars. They’re just misunderstood. Another round!

What is it? Laudanum? Be great if it existed...

Same. I turned my back on it after the walkout and only peeked again recently when I heard the comments had been shut off.

Fuck Herb Spanfuller!

I doubt it’s a real university. But, yes, he’s supposedly an educator. I’ve heard racist bullshit in classrooms at various levels. I’m an Old so it has been a while, but I have no doubt it still goes on. At least they wasted no time canning him.

Not only did they protect Pedo Andrew, (oh, pardon me, HRH Andrew, the Duke of York - who is apparently on “sabbatical” and still living off the Royal Dole, with all of his titles and “honors” intact) but the morning after Epstein was suicided, he got to ride with a grinning Elizabeth in a car to church. For the

That’s fair. I wish you healing from childhood (and all) trauma. I’m on that path myself, TBH.

I wrote Kimmel off years ago because of the cruel halloween candy prank he encouraged people to play on kids, for years.

Go through them now and save yourself time and stress.

I’m over 50 and I have known that racism was wrong (and stupid) since I figured out that it existed - around 8. It’s just as wrong now as it ever was. Just because (most) (white) people were ok with that sort of thing back then doesn’t mean it was ever actually ok.


I saw that. I think subsequent comments pointed out examples of good cops who did things like stop another cop from brutally assaulting someone, exposing corruption etc. All of them were fired in short order.

[raises hand] I totally get your point. So many white people are garbage.

They have always been out of control. But, as you mention, now nearly everyone has a video camera in their pockets.

For years and years white supremacists have waged a campaign to hire more racist cops. Seems like it worked.

All Cops Are Bullies

They send cops because only the police have the right to force you to come with them if you are over 18. What they need to do is send a mental health professional to interact with the person, and have the cops there as backup.