DLRPL8Z (Nice car. You spin that?)

Erle looks so much like my kitty Bruce! Good cat whispering there. Thank you for these posts, Krispy, and for all you do for the kittehs.

Yeah, if that was going to work it would have already worked by now.

Sounds to me like dude hangs around a bunch of racists. The blatant ones, with those stupid flag stickers on their big Fuck Off trucks.

Yeah, I don’t think it was ever a “prank.” A prank is putting a rubber band on the sink sprayer and soaking your dad. Involving deadly force is not a prank.
(Hi BadOmbre, this is the former Sesso)

It’s not going to convince the evangelicals of anything. But just like the impeachment, that’s no reason not to stand up and say it. It’s not wrong. Perhaps it will even encourage the less rightwing christians to step up and help get rid of these goons.

Same. I transferred through France - went directly to the next gate, and then when I arrived in Deutschland, no one was around.
I was a bit bummed. Had I known, I might have packed differently.

I’mma wait for the Drunk History Ghosn ep.

Thanks! To you, too. It’s a new dawn. I sincerely hope.

Thanks. I miss Deadspin like whoa. You know. I never even got totally ungreyed (and then my burner somehow got logged off, LOL) but it was always such a pleasure. They made me care - well, at least a little - about SPORTSBALL! I already cared about dogs and bears and food and goofy azz shit so it wasn’t much of a

Absolutely not. No way.

(Hi Scowly, this is the former Sesso with new plates for the new year.)

Yes, that was my point. I spent some time obsessively reasearching the CoS.

EVERYBODY loses. Even Davey. He just thinks he’s winning. They all do.

Until they don’t.

OMG there is a Deadsplinter?! Thanks! (<Formerly Sesso)

This is what wipepo SHOULD be doing!

(Hi this is the former SessoMatto... missed y’all.)

Beck was born in. He never used to talk about it. Then he married Scientology Princess Marissa Ribisi. That’s when he made those statements. Now they’re splitting.

Scientology isn’t going to ground. Beck is getting out.

Will and Jada haven’t had anything to do with CoS for years. They did have that school (now closed) but they were never really in.

Scientology isn’t suddenly trying to be subtle. That’s not how it works.

tonyortega.org has solid info on this and many other stories.

Beck was born in. He’s mostly been really low-key, but after he married Marissa Ribisi (why?) he gave a couple of interviews where he did say he was one. Now they are splitting up - can’t imagine the Church had anything to do with that. Hopefully he won’t be cut off from his kids.

This is big news. I’m surprised it

I just made this for tonight’s dinner!

It’s not a hat. It’s HATE.

My mom’s uncle INVENTED the trampoline. Really! Yes, I am super doxxing myself here. But I gotta speak up. He was obsessed with jumping out of trees, from haylofts, etc (in barns, yo - midwest life). It drove his mom mad with worry, so he asked her if he could make a thing for jumping. She said yes, so he created a

Moar like ten. But, haha!