leo gold

Dude it’s your ISP that sells you out, VPNs don’t do shit other than hide you from “secret agents” that aren’t even listening (seriously if you still think the government has a fringe department after seeing how they handle this pandemic you are a moron) But honestly, everything is still getting logged at your router

Dude it’s your ISP that sells you out, VPNs don’t do shit other than hide you from “secret agents” that aren’t even

You can also just get little DC to AC converters and use your car like a genny. Apart from your Refrigerator/Stove/HW Heater and AC you should be good to go with a few UPS/APCs

You can also just get little DC to AC converters and use your car like a genny. Apart from your Refrigerator/Stove/HW

It’s going to take us awakening Cthulhu for us to realize we are doing this all wrong. #Carboard #Solar , shit the Aztecs and Mayans were killing mother fuckers to get the point across of the power of the sun.

This lady is amazing, this is how politicians should be. Approachable, relatable, understanding... 

lol oh God, but y don’t we see that little purple chimpo the monkey thing?

I see the value in what you are saying, but sadly I don’t think the majority of people that go to college do it for passion, they do it to get out of cleaning toilets. Besides why limit yourself to one study when we have libraries, microfiche and encyclopedias, on top of the entire collection of human knowledge at our

In other news kidnapping cases are way down and if you ever find yourself in such a situation, just cough

This is why degrees and certificates are pointless, people only remember/cheat it enough to pass in that moment and then later google like the rest of us when the situation actually occurs. Experience over studies 

I’ve been waiting for this moment, and they are absolutely right

Leave it to an artificial man-run system to determine what is best for the physical world and it will only divert resources into itself. Like the Turing Test, it can’t think outside the box.

#1 - Everything they do can be ran on a Raspberry Pi, make them build it

Humanity was always meant to return to the Oceans, that’s why we have the primordial drive to gather on beaches. Lets build those Gungan cities and get down there to start cleaning up and reusing this stuff.

Gonna need 3-6 month wages for everyone involved. #KickStarter #GoFundMe

Why were we using fossil fuels? Oh that’s right Peer Pressure and Threats, great reasoning, that makes complete sense, lets all just let our community leaders keep doing that...

Or “All you got me was this interview and your taking how much of my money a year?”

We all knew someone was going to create a GMO super virus and us it for biological warfare, we’ve been expecting it since the USA nuked Japan.

LinkedIN would be great if it was a safe haven from Recruiters and only allowed “Quick Apply” job post. It’s 2020, I’m not filling out your application for what is on my profile and resume, not until I am getting hired.

Ooo sour on this huh? lol I personally hate Recruiters, thumb suckers of the industry and could never hold a real job.

I’ve been seeing this but was waiting for a more reputable company to sell them other than Amazon. Seems like any window is a vulnerability. 

Option 1) Climate Controlled Drive Ins with sound boxes