We need to kill the beast while it’s wounded. We have so much oil stock piled or currently being processed, its time for Earth. The entire world could run off of one nodding donkey pump in west Texas at this point.
We need to kill the beast while it’s wounded. We have so much oil stock piled or currently being processed, its time for Earth. The entire world could run off of one nodding donkey pump in west Texas at this point.
The only reason corporations like this are not letting their employees work from home is one stupid simple reason: Control, sociopath level micromanagement. If you know someone who is still in the office they are entitled to compensation for their mental torture and psychological damage. Call your local law office....
So many ppl are little bitches that go to the ER for no real reason, jamming up resources for those who need it. The human body can go through so much shit and you don’t know until you start testing it. Trust me it is better to just recover at home.
It starts by the moment they know you are infected they pull up your GPS, phone/message history and debit/credit card transactions. Then they map out everywhere you went, cross referencing with facial recognition software on every security camera in the country. Next they send out alerts to everyone in your contact…
Rule #1 of the new world:
We just need a global class action lawsuit:
These are all just steps for Big Brother (which has won, you let them win when you signed up for Facebook) to stop us from organizing and future revolutions. They can now openly track your phone, see how many people are around you and send them all a text demanding they go home. Also just part of the singularity…
Guy on the left looks like he is trying to be Deacon Saint John or some shit. These parasites (reference to the movie, because in every aspect they make their money from other people that have money) don’t just want the be able to continue making public cash transactions, they want a civil war. Chill Homie, nobody is…
Get ready for the second wave and mutation, that’s what this is all about, nature showing humanity it’s stupidness by it’s own demise for capitalist gain. Open the planet’s resources, nobody owes anyone a damn thing.
No WAY, Earl did you hear that??
All things considered I think it is time for some fucking comedy...
Lets all take a step back and realize we need to just work and focus on our own shit. Good Call Mr. President
Our attitude now is “If I’m going to die, I might as well see how far I can get” and just rush them.
I was having an existential crisis the other day. If I have been so willing to die over these last years, even at my own hands, why do I not want to catch it... Then I realized I really have had nothing in my life that has happened so traumatizing that I don’t want to live to see if tomorrow can be better. The only…
Further proof that we are over complicating things when it comes to environmental detection and physics algorithms. Go ahead and create a simulated country and give it the USA’s policies right now, see how that works out on 2.5x
Our company has been hiring independent seamstresses to make washable (or boiled for the OCD) mask. They work great and prevent stuff from going directly in you. Gloves on the other hand (haa) they have these thick callus on them to protect your bloodstream from the outside world, naturally. Being that we are…
One thing about the apocalypse, if Days Gone taught me anything, is that gas prices go way way down. You had your time, you made your Vigintillions at the cost of the planet, now GTFO.
This is the kind of proactive action we need to see in this world (not “now” but always, from now on going forward)
All this leads me to believe: either we need to come up with better algorithms to detect “naughty bits” and cursing combos (to the likes of Club Penguin) or we just need to chill the fuck out, not acknowledge or react to it in any way and wait for the person to realize they are lame.
I can’t wait until more people understand the cognitive abilities and consciousness of animals, poor things locked up. (Dog = 3-4 year old, Chimps/Gorillas 7-8, Dolphins 13-14) Hell that last one has us trained to give them fish.