leo gold

I never played a Final Fantasy game, I tried X but not all the way through. VII is what I always wanted to play ergo now that it is here and upgraded...it is the best

I never played a Final Fantasy game, I tried X but not all the way through. VII is what I always wanted to play ergo

This is critical information for this day in age.

I like how we are just now noticing this, makes me wonder if the NSA is really stupid enough to be using iOS like the movies depict.

Seashell radio

Amazon is really in a hurry to start selling us air

This whole time we just needed to quietly fuck off in that direction

Companies like GameStop for real, now is not the time to take trade ins

This is why they want to pass that law/app that lets them tap into the GPS of our phones, at least publicly and legally known, between this and stopping future congregation for revolutions

It so much easier for him and require no effort. I wonder if the next president is going to do the same and Twitter is just going to be how the talk to us.

that is what they are doing everywhere else, and with 14 days until this thing reaches it peak we really should.

Yes and with all the unemployed we are going to have to do something drastically different quick. Good thing we (humanity) are all on the same team and page with this.

I’ve often wondered why churches build massive and intricate structures instead of using existing buildings or popping a circus tent up in a field. I feel like the staple point of having a new church in town should be a decrease in the homeless population rather than a parking garage.

I feel like its more likely kids being goofy then some 1337 haxor

There was a meme about this, and now its all I can think about.I can’t tell if I’ve always secretly wanted it, or just knowing they are no longer available.

They sell off-brand ones on Amazon that are in stock, just not with the game.

I had never heard of Zoom before all this. I don’t understand why people don’t just use Google Hangouts/Skype/WebEx or hell just the standard software that comes with their machine. I heard about it being hacked and buggy and then I heard it was being mass used.

Shit man I’m sorry to hear about your time :/ But sounds like you came out the other side a survivor. Thank you so much for this article it really puts things in perspective and has me thinking.

Diverting money from the WHO to Wall Street some how. I’m starting to think he owns it.

People are like “give schools a million dollars and just watch, nothing changes” dude when they are asking for money, it isn’t just for teacher wages, it’s for shit like computers. You dumb Trump voting second cousin fuckers. This is why we have the fucked up world we have now, when we give the military a budget the

Hydro-power is where it is at, that is how the majority of South America runs