
I’m getting back to you using your own definition from Wiki.

He would be the first if he started it. It already is a trend so he can neither be first nor can he be the person who starts it. 

Made fun of Ford for the same thing, then did it anyways later? Check.

I think Ford gets the laugh on this one. Their “man step” was at least designed in such a way as to be useful even with a hitch.

No, its the whole trucks look, can you even read?. And yeah its a vinyl, but really doesn’t matter, you will hear people use that term for wraps or dips. 

Except it is per the title of the article. This trend was already a trend before Block did the same thing everyone else is already doing. 

The majority of Raptors have this same set of mods in San Francisco too. Its great watching a wide body Raptor try and fit down a one way ally with parking on both sides.

Probably not, he still makes money regardless of the outcome. 

Did he start this? This trend has been going for some time out here in California with Raptors. About the only thing he has different than any other modded raptor is the flashy paint.

Nah, the article was fucking magnificent. 

Please never change, that article was perfect. 

I see more reports of a new Mustang in 2021 than that single report of 2024. Even if it is 10 years for a generation that’s pretty common these days.

Right now is pretty accurate for the RS due to its untimely death in america. With that said though the Veloster N is looking mighty nice as a Focus ST replacement. 

Those journalists who promised a new design for the Z would be launched at the NY Auto Show should go apologize to their readers.

Sounds like bitterness for missing out to me Matt. I have a few friends like that, hate it because they either lost a lot being dumbasses or pissed because they thought that they could be rich if they had just known about it sooner.

Don’t worry, it will install itself at some point. I’m not sure how they managed to install it, thought I had their spyware/bloatware install apps disabled but I seem to have missed one.

It looks like the app doesn't work. Or maybe it does and all its doing is stealing passwords or personal data.

That can't be right as they were going for this price 3 years ago for cars with 30k on the odometer. 

Its on the very high side unless they have gone up in value. 3 years ago these with 30k on the clock were asking 7k. 

Not worth it, we paid 7k for a 2013 with a quarter the miles on it 3 years ago in California. This one is way too high.