
Say what? Yes they did, go buy a 2016 and up and you will find black wheels.

I know how it works, I still factored the fact that its not free into my assessment. I never said it was free either, I see how you could just assume that based on my last sentence but still never said it was free.

Ford did this same shit with the Fiesta ST. Though that car has the advantage of turning them a nice brake dust brown in about 50 miles.

I bought a 20 thousand dollar production car, I see maybe 3 of them a year even in a big city. I’m calling my self unique and you can’t stop me! /S on the last part.

Not anymore, they actually get a bigger spoiler. You have the option to delete it but its a standard feature.

It wasn’t bad press though. While they may have lost a few sales the majority of Americans have no clue this even happened and never will even if Mr Uzi pays for Nissan.com for the next 1000 years. Go to google, type Nissan, Nissan.com is not on the first page, and people tend to just type the company name instead of

Discounts are WAY higher than that for the right customer and right case. We may bill you 2k an hour for our partners, but for the right customer we don’t get paid that.

It was likely about the same, if not less in the end, corporate discounts are rather amazing. Its also quite common for a company to refuse to pay for years, and eventually pay less than is owed and the law firm just accepts it because they still made a heavy profit. They also get to write shit like this off from time

It was likely about the same, if not less in the end, corporate discounts are rather amazing. Its also quite common for a company to refuse to pay for years, and eventually pay less than is owed and the law firm just accepts it because they still made a heavy profit. They also get to write shit like this off from time

Here is the thing about big companies and lawyers, Uzi likely paid more because he would not get discounts. Also Uzi doesn’t have the means to tell the law firm fuck off, we will pay you when WE want to pay you.

Nissan was in trouble at this time, and they sued for 10 million. They offered the guy nothing which fits with how well the company was doing.

Uzi lived in the US, they were not sending him home in a car he couldn’t take with him. He would have ended up in a 99 Sentra base model. Also Nissan was in trouble by this point, they wanted to get out of this without spending any money at all, the lawsuit was the cheaper alternative to spending millions to buy a

My friend bought one of these with all the bells and whistles in around 2003, paid an obscene amount of money for it too. We made him cry when we beat him drag racing in a 2000 Pontiac Grand Am. He wouldn’t talk to us for like 3 weeks.

If he had anything to do with the Edge ST I say good riddance, but sadly not soon enough. Though I bet the next asshole in line will be pushing a Navigator ST Long Wheelbase because fuck it, why not? 

That is also completely ignoring the fact that most cyclists also own a car that sits while still being registered. Registration pays for a lot of road work.

As a cyclist who also drives, like the fair majority, we pay. Registration pays for roads as well as gas taxes.

Hey now, that will need a road for access to build it.

Is that Doug DeMuro up there?

Every millennial will be a an adult this year if you go by the latest end date for millennial. If you go by the normally accepted end date of 1996/97 every one of us is an adult. You are thinking of Centennials or Gen Z.

Yeah sure thing.