
I think you were responding to the wrong comment or you extrapolated a LOT more out of my comment then was ever present in the first place. Don’t read into my comment, there is nothing there beyond what you read.

So you are telling me you would be mad about my short throw 18spd? Is that Lo or 2nd, I don’t care I have enough power to pull a house down.

Sorry to let you down but a lot of those kids were already there, you just started noticing them more after because moms Civic was now painted a rattle can orange.

Since they are identical cars I bet they would still get tickets. I also bet that even if they were not identical cars you would still get tickets even without anything backing the no reparking on the same block in writing.

You are correct it is not.

They are on to that. Laws are changing to account for that. Some use districts with colors around light poles, others just limit it to the block.

This is the US, you would have to move them every few days for up to a day in a lot of places.

In California they would be towed after like 24 hours of sitting there, 72 hour rule be damned.

They will tell you that those are the only tires they have. Tell them its order me some new better tires or I go elsewhere. Actually leave if they refuse, you will probably get a call later that day.

I have been saying this for a while now. Honestly I would be fine with a XR6 Barra but noooo... No one wants to bring it over

The shark fin is the GPS/Sat radio IRRC. Just combine them already Ford, you do it for everything else.

Not the same guy.

And most of them would shove that in the back seat. Most truck owners haul leaves around.

You have a brain with enough capacity to see through the bullshit. Their target audience does not have that same capacity.

Or a simple shark fins.

He didn’t expect anyone to call him out on this stupid comment.

He didn’t expect anyone to call him out on this stupid comment.

Yeah... I have seen 3 such cases of antennas getting ripped out of steel bodies before. It happens.

The shit part about that is, at least around the bay, 90-100 hour work weeks are pretty common. I work 37 hours a week full time and make more per hour than most of these salary guys at 100k. Granted with so much free time on my hands I have to live in a house, I couldn’t deal with living in a RV on Old Page Mill road