
That is pretty crazy. We never had the desert duck of that era, I am not sure one could even land on a DDG 51 class ship. They also had to stop the green duck foot on the deck because someone got pissed about it and started decertifying flight decks over it.

When I was on my Flight IIA DDG we had one incident that

Did yours have a wire that came out of it? I don’t remember that part but looking it up online it seems they did. Maybe we just had pilots who didn’t want to use it so they did the harder landings.

They land in rough seas and no one goes near the helo when its in the air. The trick is to cut the engines power once they are in sync with the ships deck and they slam down on a big sled that has jaws in it. The helo basically has a trailer hitch ball on it that gets clamped inside of these jaws. Then the guys run

RAST was pretty awesome.

Someone didn’t make it past the first paragraph.

The part that sucks for Infiniti is buyers won’t see the numbers like you did. They will see 1-3mpg and say not worth it.

Next up, Sonoma Raceway turns into a parking lot for burned out cars from the California fires.

Land on destroyers in high seas, check.

And to boot you can turn the orange one into a orange camo knobby tire zombie killer. I really wish I had a picture of the old lady with the crosstrek I described above.

Not so much as outsold but was out offered by about 3x. I am sure they would not have sold anywhere near the 15000 a year that the Focus ST was pushing but with only 5000 units or so there were times where you could not find one on a dealer as it was sold almost upon arrival, while they would have 2 or 3 FoSTs sitting

I will continue driving my FiST smugly knowing that although I am likely slower, at least my car doesn’t wish it was a Type R.

As a FiST owner all I have to say is fuck you Ford.

OK this is how I know you are full of shit and just trolling. You added V6 Mustang to the list of best cars.

Are those shot out rifles really that much more accurate? Fuck no.

It wasn’t even touted as a life hack, and it sure as hell is not something new to 2017. Nick just ran out of topics and started throwing shit in.

How are bump stocks a life hack of 2017? They have been around for a long time. Holy shit Nick you just grabbed shit from a headline and threw it in because you were out of ideas. And bitcoin, yeah you sound like a major bank trying to kickoff a crash so you can buy more coins.

Your list as a few good things but the

I think you did specifically chose a model without the rain sensing system as you are clearly the expert. You are really just lining these comments up to be torn down, you make it easy.

Yeah, I am bored as hell at work so I figure maybe he has other things to do that I am keeping him from. I will get distracted eventually and he will probably think my lack of commenting justified his line of thinking.

No I said that hence the lack of your reading comprehension. I may not have said the word box but its pretty fucking clear what I meant. You lost, you can keep going but you lost the second you started typing your first comment.

Why should Ford pick a new model name for two different cars? One is clearly a CUV and the

I don’t need to mention the box because you are the only one who didn’t understand sensors in front of the mirror. I am sorry you have a hard time reading but that isn’t my problem.