I can agree with him, looks are subjective so your pretty car is another persons ugly car.
I can agree with him, looks are subjective so your pretty car is another persons ugly car.
He is likely in a 1000 dollar getup by some designer you never heard of.
Wow that car is horrible looking. I guess it fits right in with current Toyota.
Even when car makers do some departments still drill holes anyways because the kit doesn’t fit the pre configured design.
Uh, every FiST and FoST are manuals with a stick. You are thinking of the plain fiesta and focus.
Yup, if you make money off the house when you sell that is fine, but you have to be able to live in it. Tiptoeing around what someone else may want in your house 10 years from now is stupid.
Your comment makes no sense, reread it and I hope you can realize that. I am one person, yet I know other people, so I am not a data point as I don’t own a Focus, but I know many other Focus owners so multiple data points. One of these Focus owners happens to be a mechanic at one of the larger ST selling dealerships,…
People see their houses as an investment not a place to live so yes, that’s pretty much it.
In a lot of cases there are like 10 bland colors to chose from and something like a forest green is too crazy. Sure no neon pink, but how is low key green a bad thing?
This guy isn’t violating anything though so your “they know about it” thing doesn’t work.
I am going to say fuck the HOA still, they should be investigating something like this first hand. If they didn’t look into it and just accepted a picture from some guy they can fuck off. This is how you get neighbors dumping trash on their enemies lawn, snapping a picture and sending it in, and that enemy gets blamed…
Oh man, go look up some of the articles about guys parking stuff legally in their driveways, you will see people losing their minds over a guy with a white trailer in his driveway.
Living in California I found it very easy to avoid a HOA. Don’t buy in areas where every house is identical or on a golf course seems to be a good way of avoiding them.
Surprisingly Santa Clara county painting a road one day and paving it the next doesn’t sounds so bad now. It will likely be weeks before they come paint it again.
Nice to meet someone who cannot read. I never said that or even implied it, but I did say I have noticed a patter.
Yeah it wasn’t easy to see, I have a big monitor and had less pixels than Super Mario to work with.
Actually it wasn’t that bad but its not the greatest video ever.
I rarely if ever visit the forums, I know about this from real people I actually know with the cars.
Yup, but your comment was still flawed as its not alone. Anyways a number of journalists have commented on the harsh FoST ride as well as many owners. About the only real advantage the Focus has is its size and I was originally shopping for one because of this, but with the engine issues cropping up even in stock cars…
There are lots of little towns with a lot of great things to do in close driving distance, but the major cities everyone knows about are a long drive with no real public transportation of any sort. You can get to Tahoe for some gambling in about 4 hours if you don’t want to stop at any of the reservation casinos in…
Things are still spread out even on the coast. From the SF Bay Area, LA can be anywhere from 5 to 9 hours of driving depending on traffic, Portland is 11, and Seattle is 14. You can get to Sacramento easy, and Fresno isn’t to bad.