Minus the fact that your math is wrong, at least in the US every single one of those cars requires an airbag, so there is no “cheaper explosives put them in cars that would not have had them.”
Minus the fact that your math is wrong, at least in the US every single one of those cars requires an airbag, so there is no “cheaper explosives put them in cars that would not have had them.”
We had some guy who found out a metal pan worked to set off our drive thru sensor. The franchise owner said to just serve him so we always did. I think he saw us cheating on the drive through times one day and dug a ratty looking pan out of the trash.
Safety, if they serve someone on foot and some drunk asshole doesn’t see them after ordering 30 cheeseburgers they could be on the hook for letting someone walk up to the window. But it appears they get sued either way. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
He just chose the one with the biggest possibility of payout.
I think they give you a great feel of how fast the cars are going during the shots, they tend to be posted up around a tight technical section whereas the helo shots are both tight and big open top speed sections. Also the drone shots seem to play with the speed of the video a little more then a live feed from a helo.
My fiesta has it here in the US. Though if it were for emergencies only, well then every drive is an emergency. :)
Ohh, then manufactures could sell you pushes, or offer a subscription service.
Joking aside the Fiesta ST kind of has something like that with overboost. The button is instead in the throttle and it lasts about 15 seconds.
Tesla is already farming the charging stations out to contractors. At least some of the chargers have been built by third parties for years now.
Those are dead, we can thank pedestrians.
Nope, if you have not noticed football in high school is treated as if its the most important thing on campus. Everything else is secondary including actual academics.
Unless they make it proprietary like they love to do. Shoving your product down everyone’s throat without making it work for those who don’t want your car is not a good thing.
The gate was actually redesigned by then so this stuff could not happen, except someone forgot to latch the gate so it was able to swing open when Harmon hit it.
One issue is we have to get the funding to research this stuff. The NFL just cut $16 million of the 30 million they gave for research simply because they did not like the Doctor put in charge of the study. They tried to funnel it off to someone who is friendly to the sport.
He also got fucked up by a car when he was 19. I feel we will start seeing more guys like Matt Hoffman, Travis Pastrana and Tony Hawk with CTE once they die.
The crossover gate, and in 2002, 12 years after Waltrip’s crash Mike Harmon hit it as well.
Have you ever done insurance on a FiestaST, it comes out to just a smidge higher then a Titanium and or SE just to account for the MSRP increase. They don’t see them as any more of a risk since its just a trim on a econobox.
It is definitely two different styles, though I don’t see snowbikes replacing snowmobiles, but one day they might stop being a niche and take equal market share. I guess if you ride only trails you might feel the need to sit down because you are going a long distance, but its unlikely that’s where you would also be…
Sounds like you need to adjust your suspension. Also I have never felt like I was forced to sit when riding except when maybe sidehilling. Even then once you are comfortable you just stand with one leg on the uphill side.
You wanted a hubcap, you got birds flying away instead.
Did that actually make it into the episode, because that video is labeled Top Gear Unseen Footage.