
. . . [H]eadline ruined the bit . . .

Congratulations to Hollywood on giving Tom Cruise a love interest that’s less than 10 years younger than him.

So, I’m still thinking about Ice becoming an Admiral!

Jesus. Imaging honoring your late father by growing the same shitty mustache.

It would have better if this Instagram post said he called Chris and personally apologized for his behavior. End of story. Instead he moans on about how his bad behavior affected him. This sounds like the same lame self involved social media apology that seems to be the norm these days.


Can we also talk about how toxic it is to link loving one’s family to violence? (Yes, defense is sometimes necessary, but there’s a reason that self-defense laws in this country only justify the minimum force reasonably necessary to stop the other person from using force - a physical attack to stop a verbal one is a

If you think no one is talking about the war in Ukraine, you must be living under a rock.

Not that anyone should care, but I was surprised how much what happened and the aftermath rubbed me the wrong way. It felt like a high school watching a bullying jock beat up a smaller kid, cheering him on, then going to a party at his house later like nothing happened. To say nothing of the insane level of

Sounds like something written for him by his agent’s assistant with the publicist on speakerphone, you don’t get to hit UNDO on a moronic outburst like that

What’s crazy to me is how many people said something along the lines of “violence is bad but good for Will for sticking up for his wife.” Like fucking what? Your wife feeling bad that a comedian performing made jokes about her losing her from alopecia doesn’t justify physically assaulting that comedian in any way

According to Jada, the cause of her alopecia is unknown and she is not directly diagnosed with any medical condition. She has suggested that it may be traction alopecia from use of weaves. None of that matters except that there seems to be a concerted effort to paint her as frail and sick in order to score points.

People who say “amongst” are the real villains here

At this point getting banned in China is a mark of honour.

Raikes gets run over by a train.

But even Ike cemented their cultural conservatism with “In God We Trust” on money and “under God” in the pledge.

Well we are living through the second Gilded Age. The comparisons have been made for awhile now. And don’t think that wasn’t the plan all along. The Republicans have never gotten over Teddy Roosevelt (one of their own!) the trustbuster (FDR really drove them wild.) They miscalculated with Eisenhower, who turned out to

1. They can still say “our French-trained chef.” I don’t see what the big fucking deal is. The “problems” these people have make me even angrier about TODAY’s wealth inequality. Is a French chef the 1880's equivalent of having a spaceship company?

I would love to see Larry take down Raikes society status in an effort to win Marian’s hand next season!

Most importantly, The Flash will be returning for season nine ...