
She still manages to project 1000x more grace, class and relatability than the hate-screamers of the RNC convention a few months ago.

i hope so.
thankfully, they have all the facial recognition technology and no-fly lists and patriot acts can now actually be used for- oh, wait, they’re all white boys.

How nice of the rioters to not wear any masks or other face coverings, so they can all be easily identified.....

“I may have left the gate open, but I strongly condemn all these runaway horses.” - Every Republican right now.

I want a bronze statue of Podium Guy to be the centerpiece of the Trump presidential library.

My suggestion is hold off on arresting anybody for two weeks.

Whatever happened to “when the looting starts the shooting starts?”

and prison, if not for this, for all the illegal shit they’ve so openly and proudly done

I need to know the name of this fine Congressman so I may buy him a beer.

Had the protesters been “Libtards,” half of them would’ve been arrested and/or shot by now. The Capitol Police is no different than your average police department.

Now playing

The amount of simultaneous micro-acting happening on his face at any one moment is what makes the performance for me. There’s like a minimum of three intense emotions constantly bubbling under the surface, it really creates this incredibly tense feeling where you honestly don’t know how he’s going to react to

I clicked this link thinking, “If Antony Starr isn’t on this list, I will be moderately peeved.” Glad to see the critical recognition for his work - even as the show’s most overt antagonist, his portrayal requires constant attention: every frame Homelander appears in simultaneously has so much raw villainy and

Congrats. Here’s your #1 asshole trophy.

I never do cocaine, I just enjoy the smell. 

Everyone on this site is sleeping on Warrior. Andrew Koji should be the next James Bond. Olivia Cheng is also killing it on that show. Sadly, I think it’s done along with the rest of the Cinemax shows.

Homelander really makes you appreciate Ma and Pa Kent a lot more when you think about it.

This did not need to be a slideshow.

I just naturally assumed that he was a komodo dragon.

Why does everyone compare Lauren to Aidy? It’s like comparing the black guy to the other black guy. No one thinks Ego Nwodim was at all like Leslie Jones, or like Sasheer Zamata, but everyone’s comparing Lauren to Aidy.