
-The Lady of the Lake doll was just a doll to signify where she was, just like with all the other dolls. The little ghost kid was moving them around the dollhouse to indicate where everyone was. If the Lady of the Lake doll was beneath the dresser (?), then she was in teh lake.

Theres a line at the end, where older Jamie talks about remembering people through the tiniest things, sometimes sad sometimes happy, that kinda broke me.  Its about the most relatable statement about loss I've heard in quite sometime.  I gonna heavily disagree, I feel they nailed the ending far better then Hill

I’ll freely admit that I cried multiple times during that finale and even after watching it, found myself just tearing up when thinking on that final shot.

Patience will hopefully be rewarded. I am enjoying the ride so far... I LOVE Olyphant and Huston anytime, I don’t dwell on tics or odd characters, it all works out somehow with this show every season. I do think Ethelrida is a bit of a dog whistle, much more going on than we are seeing and the one to root for...

Just breath, and remember: only 101 days until Trump’s fascist Reality TV shitshow gets permanently cancelled*

For some that saw & wrote , & praisedthe various levels of complicity it takes to ignore evil” im surprised you were so personally hurt by the Victoria reveal. America/ american buniesses are notorious for placeing fake movements in countrys aboard to stir revolution & division it is not farfetched they would do

Wow, someone took Victoria Nueman’s heel turn really hard, didn’t they?

To the author of this article: you can’t have it both ways. I’m progressive and left, but you can’t ask the writers not take aim at left politics ever, after they went so obvious and hard towards the right wing movement this season. That attitude is what give progressives a bad name. If you can dish it, learn to take

I really found this review awful. I am always looking for different reviews, explanations and opinions after watching an episode of the boys. This one is all about “I would like”, “I would watch”, etc., it is another thing trying to figure out approaches in the series and trying to present your own preferences.

Ok, just checking on this. Why do we think the anti Vought Congressperson is supposed to be super progressive? Because she is out to stop a single company? I mean yeah, more progressives then conservatives go after companies but it is not outside the realm for conservatives to go after Vought for something. Recently

I definitely agree with you about Stormfront’s end and the Homelander family sitcom feeling a bit rushed, but as someone who identifies as progressive I don’t think the Victoria Nueman character is a total criticism of AOC or progressives.

Even if Annie had said something like, “I’m going back to the Seven, but don’t worry, Hughie, I’ll still work with you guys because Vought is an evil corporation and I obviously object to everything they stand for,” that would have been fine!

The beatdown scene put it into “B” territory for me.

Given how little we know about what her actual persona, politics, and plans are, it seems out of place to bitch about Nueman.

This reviewer has always been awful, but this takes the cake.

So some people projected AOC into Neuman and are now pissed that she turns out not to be an AOC stand-in. I guess it speaks more about how rare it is to see a PoC woman with the kind of popularity AOC has in politics that a character with the barest of similarities get mistaken for a stand-in/analogue of her

Easy B+, thanks for playing. 

Eh, the AOC thing made me nervous but all the other political commentary has be really, really good, so I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Really?? Look I’m not going to get caught up in recency bias because I just got done watching the episode but The Boys is nothing if not about subversion of tropes and expectations. If the reveal of Congress woman Neuman is meant to be anything it’s that there are bad actors appropriating all sides. How is that not a

Give the boys a hand? Homelander approves this message.