Never Again. On the one hand, it was valuable to know why we didn’t work, and we finally ended it TWO MONTHS BEFORE OUR WEDDING. But on the other hand, maybe we would have been just fine never living together.
Never Again. On the one hand, it was valuable to know why we didn’t work, and we finally ended it TWO MONTHS BEFORE OUR WEDDING. But on the other hand, maybe we would have been just fine never living together.
The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.
I think we should be more worried about this 4th swimmer who is attempting to swim all the way home
I look at this from the same POV as the writer — that Durant is making a business decision for his own job. But I still hate this decision by him.
This whole post made me unaccountably happy. Since it looks like the fireworks in DC are going to be rained out, thanks for a nice button on an otherwise dismal Fourth.
I think this calls for a Teen Witch “Top That” rap.
Small update, I have ate all the pez. I am not sure what to do with my life now.
Didn’t Donna Martin wear a mermaid gown to the West Beverly prom?*
I did read the article. The myths and lore of these murders have taken a life of their own. I was there, blocks away and knew these people. It was a smaller version of 9-11 to us in Tallahassee. mass murders did not happen as today. Schools were safe. Walking at night around campus wasn’t a big deal and fraternities…
What many people don’t realize is that the ONLY expected duty of attendants is to show up at the wedding and look happy!
My one wish is for a Donna Meagle spin off show. She can move to Seattle.